
Input files:

download test data ``gofr_.h5`` at https://github.com/diffpy/diffpy.fourigui/tree/main/tests/testdata


  1. After installation, open a terminal and type fourigui to start the program.

  2. In filename, input the file path to gofr_.h5 and click load.

  3. Select which axis you want to view (0, 1, or 2) and use the slider to explore slices of reciprocal space images.

  4. Alter the colorbar range and click set range to create desired contrast.

  5. The options directly below the image will allow you to save or move the plot to your liking.

  6. Under Space Selection, switch between real and reciprocal space to visualize the differences.

  7. qmin and qmax can be changed to set your cutoff values. Click new cuttoff to set the values.

  8. Set your animation frame rate and click animation to create an animation through the slider.