diffpy.labpdfproc package
Tools for processing x-ray powder diffraction data from laboratory sources.
diffpy.labpdfproc.functions module
- class diffpy.labpdfproc.functions.Gridded_circle(radius=1, n_points_on_diameter=300, mu=None)[source]
- get_path_length(grid_point, angle)[source]
return the path length
This is the pathlength of a horizontal line entering the circle at the same height to the grid point then exiting at angle angle
- Parameters:
floats (grid_point double of) – the coordinate inside the circle
float (angle) – the angle of the output beam
radius – the radius of the circle
- Return type:
floats total distance, primary distance and secondary distance
- diffpy.labpdfproc.functions.apply_corr(diffraction_pattern, absorption_correction)[source]
Apply absorption correction to the given diffraction object modo with the correction diffraction object abdo
- Parameters:
Diffraction_object (absorption_correction) – the input diffraction object to which the cve will be applied
Diffraction_object – the diffraction object that contains the cve to be applied
- Return type:
a corrected diffraction object with the correction applied through multiplication
diffpy.labpdfproc.tools module
- diffpy.labpdfproc.tools.load_metadata(args, filepath)[source]
Load relevant metadata from args
- Parameters:
argparse.Namespace (args) – the arguments from the parser
- Return type:
A dictionary with relevant arguments from the parser
- diffpy.labpdfproc.tools.load_package_info(args)[source]
Load diffpy.labpdfproc package name and version into args using get_package_info function from diffpy.utils
- Parameters:
argparse.Namespace (args) – the arguments from the parser, default is None
- Return type:
the updated argparse Namespace with diffpy.labpdfproc name and version inserted
- diffpy.labpdfproc.tools.load_user_info(args)[source]
Update username and email using get_user_info function from diffpy.utils
- Parameters:
argparse.Namespace (args) – the arguments from the parser, default is None
- Return type:
the updated argparse Namespace with username and email inserted
- diffpy.labpdfproc.tools.load_user_metadata(args)[source]
Load user metadata into the provided argparse Namespace, raise ValueError if in incorrect format
- Parameters:
argparse.Namespace (args) – the arguments from the parser
- Return type:
the updated argparse Namespace with user metadata inserted as key-value pairs
- diffpy.labpdfproc.tools.preprocessing_args(args)[source]
Perform preprocessing on the provided argparse Namespace
- Parameters:
argparse.Namespace (args) – the arguments from the parser, default is None
- Return type:
the updated argparse Namespace with arguments preprocessed
- diffpy.labpdfproc.tools.set_input_lists(args)[source]
Set input directory and files.
It takes cli inputs, checks if they are files or directories and creates a list of files to be processed which is stored in the args Namespace.
- Parameters:
argparse.Namespace (args) – the arguments from the parser
- Return type:
args argparse.Namespace
- diffpy.labpdfproc.tools.set_mud(args)[source]
Set the mud based on the given input arguments
- Parameters:
argparse.Namespace (args) – the arguments from the parser
- Return type:
args argparse.Namespace
- diffpy.labpdfproc.tools.set_output_directory(args)[source]
set the output directory based on the given input arguments
- Parameters:
argparse.Namespace (args) – the arguments from the parser
follows (it is determined as)
directory (If user provides an output)
it. (use)
provided. (we set it to the current directory if nothing is)
exist. (We then create the directory if it does not)
- Return type:
a Path object that contains the full path of the output directory
- diffpy.labpdfproc.tools.set_wavelength(args)[source]
Set the wavelength based on the given input arguments
- Parameters:
argparse.Namespace (args) – the arguments from the parser
non-positive (we raise a ValueError if the input wavelength is)
sources (or if the input anode_type is not one of the known)
- Return type:
args argparse.Namespace