Source code for diffpy.pdfmorph.pdfmorph_io

#!/usr/bin/env python
# diffpy.pdfmorph   by DANSE Diffraction group
#                   Simon J. L. Billinge
#                   (c) 2010 Trustees of the Columbia University
#                   in the City of New York.  All rights reserved.
# File coded by:
# See AUTHORS.txt for a list of people who contributed.
# See LICENSE.txt for license information.

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
from pathlib import Path

import numpy

import as tools
from diffpy.pdfmorph import __save_morph_as__

[docs] def single_morph_output( morph_inputs, morph_results, save_file=None, morph_file=None, xy_out=None, verbose=False, stdout_flag=False, ): """Helper function for printing details about a single morph. Handles both printing to terminal and printing to a file. Parameters ---------- morph_inputs: dict Parameters given by the user. morph_results: dict Resulting data after morphing. save_file Name of file to print to. If None (defualt) print to terminal. morph_file Name of the morphed PDF file. Required when printing to a non-terminal file. param xy_out: list List of the form [x_morph_out, y_morph_out]. x_morph_out is a List of r values and y_morph_out is a List of gr values. verbose: bool Print additional details about the morph when True (default False). stdout_flag: bool Print to terminal when True (default False). """ # Input and output parameters morphs_in = "\n# Input morphing parameters:\n" morphs_in += "\n".join(f"# {key} = {morph_inputs[key]}" for key in morph_inputs.keys()) + "\n" morphs_out = "# Optimized morphing parameters:\n" morphs_out += "\n".join(f"# {key} = {morph_results[key]:.6f}" for key in morph_results.keys()) # Printing to terminal if stdout_flag: print(f"{morphs_in}\n{morphs_out}\n") # Saving to file if save_file is not None: path_name = str(Path(morph_file).resolve()) header = "# PDF created by pdfmorph\n" header += f"# from {path_name}" header_verbose = f"{morphs_in}\n{morphs_out}" if save_file != "-": with open(save_file, "w") as outfile: # Print out a header (more if verbose) print(header, file=outfile) if verbose: print(header_verbose, file=outfile) # Print table with label print("\n# Labels: [r] [gr]", file=outfile) numpy.savetxt(outfile, numpy.transpose(xy_out)) if stdout_flag: # Indicate successful save save_message = f"# Morph saved to {save_file}\n" print(save_message) else: # Just print table with label if save is to stdout print("# Labels: [r] [gr]") numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, numpy.transpose(xy_out))
[docs] def create_morphs_directory(save_directory): """Create a directory for saving multiple morphed PDFs. Takes in a user-given path to a directory save_directory and create a subdirectory named Morphs. PDFmorph will save all morphs into the Morphs subdirectory while metadata about the morphs will be stored in save_directory outside Morphs. Parameters ---------- save_directory Path to a directory. PDFmorph will save all generated files within this directory. Returns ------- str The absolute path to the Morph subdirectory. """ # Make directory to save files in if it does not already exist Path(save_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Morphs will be saved in the subdirectory "Morphs" morphs_subdirectory = Path(save_directory).joinpath("Morphs") morphs_subdirectory.mkdir(exist_ok=True) return str(morphs_subdirectory.resolve())
[docs] def get_multisave_names(target_list: list, save_names_file=None): """Create or import a dictionary that specifies names to save morphs as. First attempt to import names from a specified file. If names for certain morphs not found, use default naming scheme: 'Morph_with_Target_<target file name>.cgr'. Used when saving multiple morphs. Parameters ---------- target_list: list Target PDFs used for each morph. save_names_file Name of file to import save names dictionary from (default None). Returns ------- dict The names to save each morph as. Keys are the target PDF file names used to produce that morph. """ # Dictionary storing save file names save_names = {} # Import names from a serial file if save_names_file is not None: # Names should be stored properly in save_names_file save_names = tools.deserialize(save_names_file) # Apply default naming scheme to missing targets for target_file in target_list: if not in save_names.keys(): save_names.update({ {__save_morph_as__: f"Morph_with_Target_{target_file.stem}.cgr"}}) return save_names
[docs] def multiple_morph_output( morph_inputs, morph_results, target_files, field=None, field_list=None, save_directory=None, morph_file=None, target_directory=None, verbose=False, stdout_flag=False, ): """Helper function for printing details about a series of multiple morphs. Handles both printing to terminal and printing to a file. Parameters ---------- morph_inputs: dict Input parameters given by the user. morph_results: dict Resulting data after morphing. target_files: list PDF files that acted as targets to morphs. save_directory Name of directory to save morphs in. field Name of field if data was sorted by a particular field. Otherwise, leave blank. field_list: list List of field values for each target PDF. Generated by morph_file Name of the morphed PDF file. Required to give summary data after saving to a directory. target_directory Name of the directory containing the target PDF files. Required to give summary data after saving to a directory. verbose: bool Print additional summary details when True (default False). stdout_flag: bool Print to terminal when True (default False). """ # Input parameters used for every morph inputs = "\n# Input morphing parameters:\n" inputs += "\n".join(f"# {key} = {morph_inputs[key]}" for key in morph_inputs.keys()) # Verbose to get output for every morph verbose_outputs = "" if verbose: # Output for every morph (information repeated in a succinct table below) for target in morph_results.keys(): output = f"\n# Target: {target}\n" output += "# Optimized morphing parameters:\n" output += "\n".join( f"# {param} = {morph_results[target][param]:.6f}" for param in morph_results[target] ) verbose_outputs += f"{output}\n" # Get items we want to put in table tabulated_results = tabulate_results(morph_results) # Table labels labels = "\n# Labels: [Target]" if field is not None: labels += f" [{field}]" for param in tabulated_results.keys(): if len(tabulated_results[param]) > 0: labels += f" [{param}]" # Corresponding table table = f"{labels}\n" for idx in range(len(target_files)): row = f"{target_files[idx]}" if field_list is not None: row += f" {field_list[idx]}" for param in tabulated_results.keys(): if len(tabulated_results[param]) > idx: row += f" {tabulated_results[param][idx]:0.6f}" table += f"{row}\n" table = table[:-1] # Remove extra indent # Printing summary to terminal if stdout_flag: print(f"{inputs}\n{verbose_outputs}{table}\n") # Saving summary as a file if save_directory is not None: morph_path_name = str(Path(morph_file).resolve()) target_path_name = str(Path(target_directory).resolve()) header = "# Data generated by pdfmorph\n" header += f"# from morphing {morph_path_name}\n" header += f"# with target directory {target_path_name}" reference_table = Path(save_directory).joinpath("Morph_Reference_Table.txt") with open(reference_table, "w") as reference: print(f"{header}\n{inputs}\n{verbose_outputs}{table}", file=reference) if stdout_flag: # Indicate successful save save_message = f"# Morphs saved in the directory {save_directory}\n" print(save_message)
[docs] def tabulate_results(multiple_morph_results): """Helper function to make a data table summarizing details about the results of multiple morphs. Parameters ---------- multiple_morph_results A collection of Dictionaries. Each Dictionary summarizes the resultsof a single morph. Returns ------- tabulated_results: dict Keys in tabulated_results are the table's column names and each corresponding value is a list of data for that column. """ # We only care about the following parameters in our data tables relevant_parameters = ["Scale", "Smear", "Stretch", "Pearson", "Rw"] # Keys in this table represent column names and the value will be a list of column data tabulated_results = {} for param in relevant_parameters: tabulated_results.update( {param: tools.get_values_from_dictionary_collection(multiple_morph_results, param)} ) return tabulated_results