Source code for diffpy.pdfmorph.pdfmorphapp

#!/usr/bin/env python
# diffpy.pdfmorph   by DANSE Diffraction group
#                   Simon J. L. Billinge
#                   (c) 2010 Trustees of the Columbia University
#                   in the City of New York.  All rights reserved.
# File coded by:    Chris Farrow
# See AUTHORS.txt for a list of people who contributed.
# See LICENSE.txt for license information.

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
from pathlib import Path

import diffpy.pdfmorph.morph_helpers as helpers
import diffpy.pdfmorph.morphs as morphs
import diffpy.pdfmorph.pdfmorph_io as io
import diffpy.pdfmorph.pdfplot as pdfplot
import diffpy.pdfmorph.refine as refine
import as tools
from diffpy.pdfmorph import __save_morph_as__
from diffpy.pdfmorph.version import __version__

[docs] def create_option_parser(): import optparse prog_short = Path(sys.argv[0]).name # Program name, compatible w/ all OS paths class CustomParser(optparse.OptionParser): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CustomParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def custom_error(self, msg): """custom_error(msg : string) Print a message incorporating 'msg' to stderr and exit. Does not print usage. """ self.exit(2, "%s: error: %s\n" % (self.get_prog_name(), msg)) parser = CustomParser( usage="\n".join( [ "%prog [options] FILE1 FILE2", "Manipulate and compare PDFs.", "Use --help for help.", ] ), epilog="\n".join( [ "Please report bugs to", "For more information, see the PDFmorph website at", ] ), ) parser.add_option("-V", "--version", action="version", help="Show program version and exit.") parser.version = __version__ parser.add_option( "-s", "--save", metavar="NAME", dest="slocation", help="""Save the manipulated PDF to a file named NAME. Use \'-\' for stdout. When --multiple is enabled, save each manipulated PDF as a file in a directory named NAME; you can specify names for each saved PDF file using --save-names-file.""", ) parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Print additional header details to saved files.", ) parser.add_option("--rmin", type="float", help="Minimum r-value to use for PDF comparisons.") parser.add_option("--rmax", type="float", help="Maximum r-value to use for PDF comparisons.") parser.add_option( "--pearson", action="store_true", dest="pearson", help="Maximize agreement in the Pearson function. Note that this is insensitive to scale.", ) parser.add_option( "--addpearson", action="store_true", dest="addpearson", help="""Maximize agreement in the Pearson function as well as minimizing the residual.""", ) # Manipulations group = optparse.OptionGroup( parser, "Manipulations", """These options select the manipulations that are to be applied to the PDF from FILE1. The passed values will be refined unless specifically excluded with the -a or -x options. If no option is specified, the PDFs from FILE1 and FILE2 will be plotted without any manipulations.""", ) parser.add_option_group(group) group.add_option( "-a", "--apply", action="store_false", dest="refine", help="Apply manipulations but do not refine.", ) group.add_option( "-x", "--exclude", action="append", dest="exclude", metavar="MANIP", help="""Exclude a manipulation from refinement by name. This can appear multiple times.""", ) group.add_option("--scale", type="float", metavar="SCALE", help="Apply scale factor SCALE.") group.add_option( "--smear", type="float", metavar="SMEAR", help="Smear peaks with a Gaussian of width SMEAR.", ) group.add_option( "--stretch", type="float", metavar="STRETCH", help="Stretch PDF by a fraction STRETCH.", ) group.add_option( "--slope", type="float", dest="baselineslope", help="""Slope of the baseline. This is used when applying the smear factor. It will be estimated if not provided.""", ) group.add_option( "--qdamp", type="float", metavar="QDAMP", help="Dampen PDF by a factor QDAMP.", ) group.add_option( "--radius", type="float", metavar="RADIUS", help="""Apply characteristic function of sphere with radius RADIUS. If PRADIUS is also specified, instead apply characteristic function of spheroid with equatorial radius RADIUS and polar radius PRADIUS.""", ) group.add_option( "--pradius", type="float", metavar="PRADIUS", help="""Apply characteristic function of spheroid with equatorial radius RADIUS and polar radius PRADIUS. If only PRADIUS is specified, instead apply characteristic function of sphere with radius PRADIUS.""", ) group.add_option( "--iradius", type="float", metavar="IRADIUS", help="""Apply inverse characteristic function of sphere with radius IRADIUS. If IPRADIUS is also specified, instead apply inverse characteristic function of spheroid with equatorial radius IRADIUS and polar radius IPRADIUS.""", ) group.add_option( "--ipradius", type="float", metavar="IPRADIUS", help="""Apply inverse characteristic function of spheroid with equatorial radius IRADIUS and polar radius IPRADIUS. If only IPRADIUS is specified, instead apply inverse characteristic function of sphere with radius IPRADIUS.""", ) # Plot Options group = optparse.OptionGroup( parser, "Plot Options", """These options control plotting. The manipulated and target PDFs will be plotted against each other with a difference curve below. When --multiple is enabled, the value of a parameter (specified by --plot-parameter) will be plotted instead.""", ) parser.add_option_group(group) group.add_option( "-n", "--noplot", action="store_false", dest="plot", help="""Do not show a plot.""", ) group.add_option( "--mlabel", metavar="MLABEL", dest="mlabel", help="Set label for morphed data to MLABEL on plot. Default label is FILE1.", ) group.add_option( "--tlabel", metavar="TLABEL", dest="tlabel", help="Set label for target data to TLABEL on plot. Default label is FILE2.", ) group.add_option("--pmin", type="float", help="Minimum r-value to plot. Defaults to RMIN.") group.add_option("--pmax", type="float", help="Maximum r-value to plot. Defaults to RMAX.") group.add_option("--maglim", type="float", help="Magnify plot curves beyond r=MAGLIM by MAG.") group.add_option("--mag", type="float", help="Magnify plot curves beyond r=MAGLIM by MAG.") group.add_option("--lwidth", type="float", help="Line thickness of plotted curves.") # Multiple morph options group = optparse.OptionGroup( parser, "Multiple Morphs", """This program can morph a PDF against multiple targets in one command. See -s and Plot Options for how saving and plotting functionality changes when performing multiple morphs.""", ) parser.add_option_group(group) group.add_option( "--multiple", dest="multiple", action="store_true", help=f"""Changes usage to \'{prog_short} [options] FILE DIRECTORY\'. FILE will be morphed with each file in DIRECTORY as target. Files in DIRECTORY are sorted by alphabetical order unless a field is specified by --sort-by.""", ) group.add_option( "--sort-by", metavar="FIELD", dest="field", help="""Used with --multiple to sort files in DIRECTORY by FIELD. If the FIELD being used has a numerical value, sort from lowest to highest. Otherwise, sort in ASCII sort order. FIELD must be included in the header of all the PDF files.""", ) group.add_option( "--reverse", dest="reverse", action="store_true", help="""Sort from highest to lowest instead.""", ) group.add_option( "--serial-file", metavar="SERIALFILE", dest="serfile", help="""Look for FIELD in a serial file instead. Must specify name of serial file SERIALFILE.""", ) group.add_option( "--save-names-file", metavar="NAMESFILE", dest="snamesfile", help=f"""Used when both -s and --multiple are enabled. Specify names for each manipulated PDF when saving (see -s) using a serial file NAMESFILE. The format of NAMESFILE should be as follows: each target PDF is an entry in NAMESFILE. For each entry, there should be a key {__save_morph_as__} whose value specifies the name to save the manipulated PDF as. An example .json serial file is shown in the PDFmorph manual.""", ) group.add_option( "--plot-parameter", metavar="PLOTPARAM", dest="plotparam", help="""Used when both plotting and --multiple are enabled. Choose a PLOTPARAM to plot for each morph (i.e. adding --plot-parameter=Pearson means the program will display a plot of the Pearson correlation coefficient for each morph-target pair). PLOTPARAM is not case sensitive, so both Pearson and pearson indicate the same parameter. When PLOTPARAM is not specified, Rw values for each morph-target pair will be plotted. PLOTPARAM will be displayed as the vertical axis label for the plot.""", ) # Defaults parser.set_defaults(multiple=False) parser.set_defaults(reverse=False) parser.set_defaults(plot=True) parser.set_defaults(refine=True) parser.set_defaults(pearson=False) parser.set_defaults(addpearson=False) parser.set_defaults(mag=5) parser.set_defaults(lwidth=1.5) return parser
[docs] def single_morph(parser, opts, pargs, stdout_flag=True): if len(pargs) < 2: parser.error("You must supply FILE1 and FILE2.") elif len(pargs) > 2: parser.error("Too many arguments. Make sure you only supply FILE1 and FILE2.") # Get the PDFs x_morph, y_morph = getPDFFromFile(pargs[0]) x_target, y_target = getPDFFromFile(pargs[1]) # Get configuration values scale_in = "None" stretch_in = "None" smear_in = "None" config = {} config["rmin"] = opts.rmin config["rmax"] = opts.rmax config["rstep"] = None if opts.rmin is not None and opts.rmax is not None and opts.rmax <= opts.rmin: e = "rmin must be less than rmax" parser.custom_error(e) # Set up the morphs chain = morphs.MorphChain(config) # Add the r-range morph, we will remove it when saving and plotting chain.append(morphs.MorphRGrid()) refpars = [] # Scale if opts.scale is not None: scale_in = opts.scale chain.append(morphs.MorphScale()) config["scale"] = opts.scale refpars.append("scale") # Stretch if opts.stretch is not None: stretch_in = opts.stretch chain.append(morphs.MorphStretch()) config["stretch"] = opts.stretch refpars.append("stretch") # Smear if opts.smear is not None: smear_in = opts.smear chain.append(helpers.TransformXtalPDFtoRDF()) chain.append(morphs.MorphSmear()) chain.append(helpers.TransformXtalRDFtoPDF()) refpars.append("smear") config["smear"] = opts.smear # Set baselineslope if not given config["baselineslope"] = opts.baselineslope if opts.baselineslope is None: config["baselineslope"] = -0.5 refpars.append("baselineslope") # Size radii = [opts.radius, opts.pradius] nrad = 2 - radii.count(None) if nrad == 1: radii.remove(None) config["radius"] = tools.nn_value(radii[0], "radius or pradius") chain.append(morphs.MorphSphere()) refpars.append("radius") elif nrad == 2: config["radius"] = tools.nn_value(radii[0], "radius") refpars.append("radius") config["pradius"] = tools.nn_value(radii[1], "pradius") refpars.append("pradius") chain.append(morphs.MorphSpheroid()) iradii = [opts.iradius, opts.ipradius] inrad = 2 - iradii.count(None) if inrad == 1: iradii.remove(None) config["iradius"] = tools.nn_value(iradii[0], "iradius or ipradius") chain.append(morphs.MorphISphere()) refpars.append("iradius") elif inrad == 2: config["iradius"] = tools.nn_value(iradii[0], "iradius") refpars.append("iradius") config["ipradius"] = tools.nn_value(iradii[1], "ipradius") refpars.append("ipradius") chain.append(morphs.MorphISpheroid()) # Resolution if opts.qdamp is not None: chain.append(morphs.MorphResolutionDamping()) refpars.append("qdamp") config["qdamp"] = opts.qdamp # Now remove non-refinable parameters if opts.exclude is not None: refpars = list(set(refpars) - set(opts.exclude)) # Refine or execute the morph refiner = refine.Refiner(chain, x_morph, y_morph, x_target, y_target) if opts.pearson: refiner.residual = refiner._pearson if opts.addpearson: refiner.residual = refiner._add_pearson if opts.refine and refpars: try: # This works better when we adjust scale and smear first. if "smear" in refpars: rptemp = ["smear"] if "scale" in refpars: rptemp.append("scale") refiner.refine(*rptemp) # Adjust all parameters refiner.refine(*refpars) except ValueError as e: parser.custom_error(str(e)) # Smear is not being refined, but baselineslope needs to refined to apply smear # Note that baselineslope is only added to the refine list if smear is applied elif "baselineslope" in refpars: try: refiner.refine("baselineslope", baselineslope=config["baselineslope"]) except ValueError as e: parser.custom_error(str(e)) else: chain(x_morph, y_morph, x_target, y_target) # Get Rw for the morph range rw = tools.getRw(chain) pcc = tools.get_pearson(chain) # Replace the MorphRGrid with Morph identity chain[0] = morphs.Morph() chain(x_morph, y_morph, x_target, y_target) # Input morph parameters morph_inputs = {"scale": scale_in, "stretch": stretch_in, "smear": smear_in} # Output morph parameters morph_results = dict(config.items()) # Ensure Rw, Pearson last two outputs morph_results.update({"Rw": rw}) morph_results.update({"Pearson": pcc}) # Print summary to terminal and save morph to file if requested try: io.single_morph_output( morph_inputs, morph_results, save_file=opts.slocation, morph_file=pargs[0], xy_out=[chain.x_morph_out, chain.y_morph_out], verbose=opts.verbose, stdout_flag=stdout_flag, ) except (FileNotFoundError, RuntimeError): save_fail_message = "Unable to save to designated location." parser.custom_error(save_fail_message) if opts.plot: pairlist = [chain.xy_morph_out, chain.xy_target_out] labels = [pargs[0], pargs[1]] # Default is to use file names # If user chooses labels if opts.mlabel is not None: labels[0] = opts.mlabel if opts.tlabel is not None: labels[1] = opts.tlabel # Plot extent defaults to calculation extent pmin = opts.pmin if opts.pmin is not None else opts.rmin pmax = opts.pmax if opts.pmax is not None else opts.rmax maglim = opts.maglim mag = opts.mag l_width = opts.lwidth pdfplot.comparePDFs( pairlist, labels, rmin=pmin, rmax=pmax, maglim=maglim, mag=mag, rw=rw, l_width=l_width, ) return morph_results
[docs] def multiple_morphs(parser, opts, pargs, stdout_flag=True): # Custom error messages since usage is distinct when --multiple tag is applied if len(pargs) < 2: parser.custom_error("You must supply FILE and DIRECTORY. See --multiple under --help for usage.") elif len(pargs) > 2: parser.custom_error("Too many arguments. You must only supply a FILE and a DIRECTORY.") # Parse paths morph_file = Path(pargs[0]) if not morph_file.is_file(): parser.custom_error(f"{morph_file} is not a file. Go to --help for usage.") target_directory = Path(pargs[1]) if not target_directory.is_dir(): parser.custom_error(f"{target_directory} is not a directory. Go to --help for usage.") # Get list of files from target directory target_list = list(target_directory.iterdir()) for target in target_list: if target.is_dir(): target_list.remove(target) # Do not morph morph_file against itself if it is in the same directory if morph_file in target_list: target_list.remove(morph_file) # Format field name for printing and plotting field = None if opts.field is not None: field_words = opts.field.split() field = "" for word in field_words: field += f"{word[0].upper()}{word[1:].lower()}" field_list = None # Sort files in directory by some field if field is not None: try: target_list, field_list = tools.field_sort( target_list, field, opts.reverse, opts.serfile, get_field_values=True ) except KeyError: if opts.serfile is not None: parser.custom_error("The requested field was not found in the metadata file.") else: parser.custom_error("The requested field is missing from a PDF file header.") else: # Default is alphabetical sort target_list.sort(reverse=opts.reverse) # Disable single morph plotting plot_opt = opts.plot opts.plot = False # Set up saving save_directory = opts.slocation # User-given directory for saves save_names_file = opts.snamesfile # User-given serialfile with names for each morph save_morphs_here = None # Subdirectory for saving morphed PDFs save_names = {} # Dictionary of names to save each morph as if save_directory is not None: try: save_morphs_here = io.create_morphs_directory(save_directory) # Could not create directory or find names to save morphs as except (FileNotFoundError, RuntimeError): save_fail_message = "\nUnable to create directory" parser.custom_error(save_fail_message) try: save_names = io.get_multisave_names(target_list, save_names_file=save_names_file) # Could not create directory or find names to save morphs as except FileNotFoundError: save_fail_message = "\nUnable to read from save names file" parser.custom_error(save_fail_message) # Morph morph_file against all other files in target_directory morph_results = {} for target_file in target_list: if target_file.is_file: # Set the save file destination to be a file within the SLOC directory if save_directory is not None: save_as = save_names[][__save_morph_as__] opts.slocation = Path(save_morphs_here).joinpath(save_as) # Perform a morph of morph_file against target_file pargs = [morph_file, target_file] morph_results.update( { single_morph(parser, opts, pargs, stdout_flag=False), } ) target_file_names = [] for key in morph_results.keys(): target_file_names.append(key) morph_inputs = {"scale": opts.scale, "stretch": opts.stretch, "smear": opts.smear} try: # Print summary of morphs to terminal and to file (if requested) io.multiple_morph_output( morph_inputs, morph_results, target_file_names, save_directory=save_directory, morph_file=morph_file, target_directory=target_directory, field=field, field_list=field_list, verbose=opts.verbose, stdout_flag=stdout_flag, ) except (FileNotFoundError, RuntimeError): save_fail_message = "Unable to save summary to directory." parser.custom_error(save_fail_message) # Plot the values of some parameter for each target if requested if plot_opt: plot_results = io.tabulate_results(morph_results) # Default parameter is Rw param_name = r"$R_w$" param_list = plot_results["Rw"] # Find parameter if specified if opts.plotparam is not None: param_name = opts.plotparam param_list = tools.case_insensitive_dictionary_search(opts.plotparam, plot_results) # Not an available parameter to plot or no values found for the parameter if param_list is None: parser.custom_error("Cannot find specified plot parameter. No plot shown.") else: try: if field_list is not None: pdfplot.plot_param(field_list, param_list, param_name, field) else: pdfplot.plot_param(target_file_names, param_list, param_name) # Can occur for non-refined plotting parameters # i.e. --smear is not selected as an option, but smear is the plotting parameter except ValueError: parser.custom_error( "The plot parameter is missing values for at least one morph and target pair. " "No plot shown." ) return morph_results
[docs] def getPDFFromFile(fn): from import readPDF try: r, gr = readPDF(fn) except IOError as errmsg: print("%s: %s" % (fn, errmsg), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except ValueError: print("Cannot read %s" % fn, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) return r, gr
[docs] def main(): parser = create_option_parser() (opts, pargs) = parser.parse_args() if opts.multiple: multiple_morphs(parser, opts, pargs, stdout_flag=True) else: single_morph(parser, opts, pargs, stdout_flag=True)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()