Source code for diffpy.pdfmorph.pdfplot

#!/usr/bin/env python
# diffpy.pdfmorph   by DANSE Diffraction group
#                   Simon J. L. Billinge
#                   (c) 2008 Trustees of the Columbia University
#                   in the City of New York.  All rights reserved.
# File coded by:    Chris Farrow
# See AUTHORS.txt for a list of people who contributed.
# See LICENSE.txt for license information.
"""Collection of plotting functions for PDFs."""

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
from bg_mpl_stylesheets.styles import all_styles["bg_style"])

# FIXME - make this return the figure object in the future, so several views
# can be composed.
[docs] def plotPDFs(pairlist, labels=None, offset="auto", rmin=None, rmax=None): """Plots several PDFs on top of one another. Parameters ---------- pairlist Iterable of (r, gr) pairs to plot. labels Iterable of names for the pairs. If this is not the same length as the pairlist, a legend will not be shown (default []). offset Offset to place between plots. PDFs will be sequentially shifted in the y-direction by the offset. If offset is 'auto' (default), the optimal offset will be determined automatically. rmin The minimum r-value to plot. If this is None (default), the lower bound of the PDF is not altered. rmax The maximum r-value to plot. If this is None (default), the upper bound of the PDF is not altered. """ if labels is None: labels = [] if offset == "auto": offset = _find_offset(pairlist) gap = len(pairlist) - len(labels) labels = list(labels) labels.extend([""] * gap) for idx, pair in enumerate(pairlist): r, gr = pair plt.plot(r, gr + idx * offset, label=labels[idx]) plt.xlim(rmin, rmax) if gap == 0: plt.legend(loc=0) plt.legend() plt.xlabel(r"$r (\mathrm{\AA})$") plt.ylabel(r"$G (\mathrm{\AA}^{-1})$") return
[docs] def comparePDFs( pairlist, labels=None, rmin=None, rmax=None, show=True, maglim=None, mag=5, rw=None, legend=True, l_width=1.5, ): """Plot two PDFs on top of each other and difference curve. The second PDF will be shown as blue circles below and the first as a red line. The difference curve will be in green and offset for clarity. Parameters ---------- pairlist Iterable of (r, gr) pairs to plot labels Iterable of names for the pairs. If this is not the same length as the pairlist, a legend will not be shown (default []). rmin The minimum r-value to plot. If this is None (default), the lower bound of the PDF is not altered. rmax The maximum r-value to plot. If this is None (default), the upper bound of the PDF is not altered. show Show the plot (default True) maglim Point after which to magnify the signal by mag. If None (default), no magnification will take place. mag Magnification factor (default 5) rw Rw value to display on the plot, if any. legend Display the legend (default True). """ if labels is None: labels = [2] labeldata = None labelfit = None else: labeldata = labels[1] labelfit = labels[0] rfit, grfit = pairlist[0] rdat, grdat = pairlist[1] # View min and max rvmin = max(rfit[0], rdat[0]) rvmin = rmin or rvmin rvmax = min(rfit[-1], rdat[-1]) rvmax = rmax or rvmax gap = 2 - len(labels) labels = list(labels) labels.extend([""] * gap) # Put gr1 on the same grid as rdat gtemp = numpy.interp(rdat, rfit, grfit) # Calculate the difference diff = grdat - gtemp # Put rw in the label labeldiff = "difference" if len(labels) < 3 else labels[2] if rw is not None: labeldiff += " (Rw = %.3f)" % rw # Magnify if necessary if maglim is not None: grfit = grfit.copy() grfit[rfit > maglim] *= mag sel = rdat > maglim grdat = grdat.copy() grdat[sel] *= mag diff[sel] *= mag gtemp[sel] *= mag # Determine the offset for the difference curve. sel = numpy.logical_and(rdat <= rvmax, rdat >= rvmin) ymin = min(min(grdat[sel]), min(gtemp[sel])) ymax = max(diff[sel]) offset = -1.1 * (ymax - ymin) # Scale the x-limit based on the r-extent of the signal. This gives a nice # density of PDF peaks. rlim = rvmax - rvmin scale = rlim / 25.0 # Set a reasonable minimum of .8 and maximum of 1 scale = min(1, max(scale, 0.8)) figsize = [13.5, 4.5] figsize[0] *= scale fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=figsize) # Get the margins based on the figure size lm = 0.12 / scale bm = 0.20 / scale rm = 0.02 / scale tm = 0.15 / scale axes = plt.Axes(fig, [lm, bm, 1 - lm - rm, 1 - bm - tm]) fig.add_axes(axes) plt.minorticks_on() plt.plot(rdat, grdat, linewidth=l_width, label=labeldata) plt.plot(rfit, grfit, linewidth=l_width, label=labelfit) plt.plot(rdat, offset * numpy.ones_like(diff), linewidth=3, color="black") diff += offset plt.plot(rdat, diff, linewidth=l_width, label=labeldiff) if maglim is not None: # Add a line for the magnification cutoff plt.axvline(maglim, 0, 1, linestyle="--", color="black", linewidth=1.5, dashes=(14, 7)) # FIXME - look for a place to put the maglim xpos = (rvmax * 0.85 + maglim) / 2 / (rvmax - rvmin) if xpos <= 0.9: plt.figtext(xpos, 0.7, "x%.1f" % mag, backgroundcolor="w") # Get a tight view plt.xlim(rvmin, rvmax) ymin = min(diff[sel]) ymax = max(max(grdat[sel]), max(gtemp[sel])) yspan = ymax - ymin # Give a small border to the plot gap = 0.05 * yspan ymin -= gap ymax += gap plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) # Make labels and legends plt.xlabel(r"r ($\mathrm{\AA})$") plt.ylabel(r"G $(\mathrm{\AA}^{-1})$") if legend: plt.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(0.005, 1.02, 0.99, 0.10), loc=3, ncol=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0, ) if show: return
[docs] def plot_param(target_labels, param_list, param_name=None, field=None): """ Plot Rw values for multiple morphs. Parameters ---------- target_labels: list Names (or field if --sort-by given) of each file acting as target for the morph. param_list: list Contains the values of some parameter corresponding to each file. param_name: str Name of the parameter. field: list or None When not None and entries in field are numerical, a line chart of Rw versus field is made. When None (default) or values are non-numerical, it plots a bar chart of Rw values per file. """ # ensure all entries in target_labels are distinct for plotting unique_labels = set() for idx in range(len(target_labels)): item = target_labels[idx] # if repeat found, add additional label if item in unique_labels: counter = 1 new_name = f"{item} ({counter})" while new_name in unique_labels: counter += 1 new_name = f"{item} ({counter})" item = new_name target_labels[idx] = item unique_labels.update({item}) # Check if numerical field numerical = True if field is None: numerical = False else: for item in target_labels: if type(item) is not float: numerical = False if numerical: # Plot the parameter against a numerical field plt.plot(target_labels, param_list, linestyle="-", marker="o") if param_name is not None: plt.ylabel(rf"{param_name}") plt.xlabel(rf"{field}") plt.minorticks_on() # Create bar chart for each file else: # Ensure file names do not crowd bar_size = 1 # FIXME: depends on resolution max_len = bar_size for item in target_labels: max_len = max(max_len, len(item)) angle = numpy.arccos(bar_size / max_len) angle *= 180 / numpy.pi # Convert to degrees plt.xticks(rotation=angle) # Plot Rw for each file, param_list) if param_name is not None: plt.ylabel(rf"{param_name}") if field is None: plt.xlabel(r"Target File") else: plt.xlabel(rf"{field}") # Show plot plt.tight_layout() return
[docs] def truncatePDFs(r, gr, rmin=None, rmax=None): """Truncate a PDF to specified bounds. Parameters ---------- r r-values of the PDF. gr PDF g(r) values. rmin The minimum r-value. If this is None (default), the lower bound of the PDF is not altered. rmax The maximum r-value. If this is None (default), the upper bound of the PDF is not altered. Returns ------- r, gr Returns the truncated r, gr. """ if rmin is not None: sel = r >= rmin gr = gr[sel] r = r[sel] if rmax is not None: sel = r <= rmax gr = gr[sel] r = r[sel] return r, gr
def _find_offset(pairlist): """Find an optimal offset between PDFs.""" maxlist = [max(p[1]) for p in pairlist] minlist = [min(p[1]) for p in pairlist] difflist = numpy.subtract(maxlist[:-1], minlist[1:]) offset = 1.1 * max(difflist) return offset