#!/usr/bin/env python
# diffpy.srfit by DANSE Diffraction group
# Simon J. L. Billinge
# (c) 2011 The Trustees of Columbia University
# in the City of New York. All rights reserved.
# File coded by: Chris Farrow, Peng Tian
# See AUTHORS.txt for a list of people who contributed.
# See LICENSE_DANSE.txt for license information.
"""Refine the structure of a core-shell nanoparticle.
This applies the characteristic function formalism described in nppdfcrystal.py
to the case of a spherical core-shell nanoparticle. The modeling approach we
use is to refine the core and shell as two different phases, each with an
appropriate characteristic function.
import numpy
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from pyobjcryst import loadCrystal
from diffpy.srfit.pdf import PDFGenerator, PDFParser
from diffpy.srfit.fitbase import Profile
from diffpy.srfit.fitbase import FitContribution, FitRecipe
from diffpy.srfit.fitbase import FitResults
####### Example Code
def makeRecipe(stru1, stru2, datname):
"""Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""
## The Profile
profile = Profile()
# Load data and add it to the profile
parser = PDFParser()
profile.setCalculationRange(xmin=1.5, xmax = 45, dx = 0.1)
## The ProfileGenerator
# In order to fit the core and shell phases simultaneously, we must use two
# PDFGenerators.
# The generator for the CdS core. We call it "G_CdS" and will use this name
# later when we set the fitting equation in the FitContribution.
generator_cds = PDFGenerator("G_CdS")
generator_cds.qdamp.value = 0.0396
# The generator for the ZnS shell. We call it "G_ZnS".
generator_zns = PDFGenerator("G_ZnS")
generator_zns.qdamp.value = 0.0396
## The FitContribution
# Add both generators and the profile to the FitContribution.
contribution = FitContribution("cdszns")
contribution.setProfile(profile, xname = "r")
# Set up the characteristic functions. We use a spherical CF for the core
# and a spherical shell CF for the shell. Since this is set up as two
# phases, we implicitly assume that the core-shell correlations contribute
# very little to the PDF.
from diffpy.srfit.pdf.characteristicfunctions import sphericalCF, shellCF
contribution.registerFunction(sphericalCF, name = "f_CdS")
contribution.registerFunction(shellCF, name = "f_ZnS")
# Write the fitting equation. We want to sum the PDFs from each phase and
# multiply it by a scaling factor.
contribution.setEquation("scale * (f_CdS * G_CdS + f_ZnS * G_ZnS)")
# Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
recipe = FitRecipe()
# Vary the inner radius and thickness of the shell. Constrain the core
# diameter to twice the shell radius.
recipe.addVar(contribution.radius, 15)
recipe.addVar(contribution.thickness, 11)
recipe.constrain(contribution.psize, "2 * radius")
## Configure the fit variables
# Start by configuring the scale factor and resolution factors.
# We want the sum of the phase scale factors to be 1.
recipe.newVar("scale_CdS", 0.7)
recipe.constrain(generator_cds.scale, "scale_CdS")
recipe.constrain(generator_zns.scale, "1 - scale_CdS")
# We also want the resolution factor to be the same on each.
# Vary the gloabal scale as well.
recipe.addVar(contribution.scale, 0.3)
# Now we can configure the structural parameters. We tag the different
# structural variables so we can easily turn them on and off in the
# subsequent refinement.
phase_cds = generator_cds.phase
for par in phase_cds.sgpars.latpars:
recipe.addVar(par, name = par.name + "_cds", tag = "lat")
for par in phase_cds.sgpars.adppars:
recipe.addVar(par, 1, name = par.name + "_cds", tag = "adp")
recipe.addVar(phase_cds.sgpars.xyzpars.z_1, name = "z_1_cds", tag = "xyz")
# Since we know these have stacking disorder, constrain the B33 adps for
# each atom type.
recipe.constrain("B33_1_cds", "B33_0_cds")
recipe.addVar(generator_cds.delta2, name = "delta2_cds", value = 5)
phase_zns = generator_zns.phase
for par in phase_zns.sgpars.latpars:
recipe.addVar(par, name = par.name + "_zns", tag = "lat")
for par in phase_zns.sgpars.adppars:
recipe.addVar(par, 1, name = par.name + "_zns", tag = "adp")
recipe.addVar(phase_zns.sgpars.xyzpars.z_1, name = "z_1_zns", tag = "xyz")
recipe.constrain("B33_1_zns", "B33_0_zns")
recipe.addVar(generator_zns.delta2, name = "delta2_zns", value = 2.5)
# Give the recipe away so it can be used!
return recipe
def plotResults(recipe):
"""Plot the results contained within a refined FitRecipe."""
# All this should be pretty familiar by now.
r = recipe.cdszns.profile.x
g = recipe.cdszns.profile.y
gcalc = recipe.cdszns.profile.ycalc
diffzero = -0.8 * max(g) * numpy.ones_like(g)
diff = g - gcalc + diffzero
import pylab
pylab.plot(r,g,'bo',label="G(r) Data")
pylab.plot(r, gcalc,'r-',label="G(r) Fit")
pylab.plot(r,diff,'g-',label="G(r) diff")
pylab.xlabel(r"$r (\AA)$")
pylab.ylabel(r"$G (\AA^{-2})$")
def main():
"""Set up and refine the recipe."""
# Make the data and the recipe
cdsciffile = "data/CdS.cif"
znsciffile = "data/ZnS.cif"
data = "data/CdS_ZnS_nano.gr"
# Make the recipe
stru1 = loadCrystal(cdsciffile)
stru2 = loadCrystal(znsciffile)
recipe = makeRecipe(stru1, stru2, data)
from diffpy.srfit.fitbase.fithook import PlotFitHook
recipe.fithooks[0].verbose = 3
# Optimize - we do this in steps to help convergence
# Start with the lattice parameters. In makeRecipe, these were tagged with
# "lat". Here is how we use that.
leastsq(recipe.residual, recipe.values, maxfev = 50)
# Now the scale and phase fraction.
recipe.free("scale", "scale_CdS")
leastsq(recipe.residual, recipe.values, maxfev = 50)
# The ADPs.
leastsq(recipe.residual, recipe.values, maxfev = 100)
# The delta2 parameters.
recipe.free("delta2_cds", "delta2_zns")
leastsq(recipe.residual, recipe.values, maxfev = 50)
# The shape parameters.
recipe.free("radius", "thickness")
leastsq(recipe.residual, recipe.values, maxfev = 50)
# The positional parameters.
leastsq(recipe.residual, recipe.values)
# Generate and print the FitResults
res = FitResults(recipe)
# Plot!
if __name__ == "__main__":
# End of file