Source code for diffpy.srmise.applications.extract

#!/usr/bin/env python
# SrMise            by Luke Granlund
#                   (c) 2014-2015 trustees of the Michigan State University.
#                   All rights reserved.
# File coded by:    Luke Granlund
# See LICENSE.txt for license information.

import textwrap
from optparse import IndentedHelpFormatter, OptionGroup, OptionParser

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs] def main(): """Default SrMise entry-point.""" usage = ( "usage: %prog pdf_file [options]\n" "pdf_file is a file containing a PDF (accepts several " "common formats), or a .srmise file." ) from diffpy.srmise import __version__ version = "diffpy.srmise " + __version__ descr = ( "The SrMise package is a tool to aid extracting and fitting peaks " "that comprise a pair distribution function. This script exposes " "basic peak extraction functionality. For many PDFs it is " "sufficient to specify the range, baseline, and sometimes an ad " "hoc uncertainty. See the discussion of these options below for " "further guidance." ) epilog = ( "Options set above override those from an existing .srmise " "file, as well as the usual defaults summarized here.\n\n" "Defaults (when qmax > 0)\n" "------------------------\n" "baseline - None (identically 0).\n" "dg - The uncertainty reported in the PDF (if any), otherwise " "5% of maximum value of PDF.\n" "nyquist - True\n" "range - All the data\n" "cres - The Nyquist rate.\n" "supersample - 4.0\n" "scale - (Deprecated) False\n\n" "Defaults (when qmax = 0)\n" "------------------------\n" "baseline - as above\n" "dg - as above\n" "nyquist - False (and no effect if True)\n" "range - as above\n" "cres - Four times the average distance between data points\n" "supersample - Parameter has no effect.\n" "scale - (Deprecated) False, and no effect if True\n\n" "Known issues\n" "------------\n" "1) Peak extraction works best when the data are moderately " "oversampled first. When qmax > 0 this is handled " "automatically, but when qmax = 0 no resampling of any kind is " "performed.\n" "2) Peak extraction performed on a PDF file and a .srmise file " "derived from that data with identical extraction parameters " "can give different results even on the same platform. This is " "because the original data may undergo some processing before it " "can be saved by SrMise. For consistent results, always specify " "the original PDF, or always load the PDF from a .srmise file " "you save before performing any peak extraction on that data.\n" "3) Liveplotting depends on the matplotlib backend, and doesn't " "implement an idle handler, so interaction with its window will " "likely cause a freeze." ) # TODO: Move to argparse (though not in 2.6 by default) to handle # variable-length options without callbacks. Longterm, the major # value is using the same option to specify a baseline that should # use estimation vs. one that should use explicitly provided pars. parser = OptionParser( usage=usage, description=descr, epilog=epilog, version=version, formatter=IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL(), ) parser.set_defaults( plot=False, liveplot=False, wait=False, performextraction=True, verbosity="warning", ) dg_defaults = { "absolute": None, "data": None, "max-fraction": 0.05, "ptp-fraction": 0.05, "dG-fraction": 1.0, } parser.add_option( "--extract", action="store_true", dest="performextraction", help="[Default] Perform extraction.", ) parser.add_option( "--no-extract", action="store_false", dest="performextraction", help="Do not perform extraction.", ) parser.add_option( "--range", nargs=2, dest="rng", type="float", metavar="rmin rmax", help="Extract over the range (rmin, rmax).", ) parser.add_option( "--qmax", dest="qmax", type="string", metavar="QMAX", help="Model peaks with this maximum q value.", ) parser.add_option( "--nyquist", action="store_true", dest="nyquist", help="Use Nyquist resampling if qmax > 0.", ) parser.add_option( "--no-nyquist", action="store_false", dest="nyquist", help="Do not use Nyquist resampling.", ) parser.add_option( "--pf", dest="peakfunction", metavar="PF", help="Fit peak function PF defined in " "diffpy.srmise.peaks, e.g. " "'GaussianOverR(maxwidth=0.7)'", ) parser.add_option( "--cres", dest="cres", type="float", metavar="cres", help="Clustering resolution.", ) parser.add_option( "--supersample", dest="supersample", type="float", metavar="SS", help="Minimum initial oversampling rate as multiple of " "Nyquist rate.", ) parser.add_option( "--me", "-m", dest="modelevaluator", metavar="ME", help="ModelEvaluator defined in " "diffpy.srmise.modelevaluators, e.g. 'AIC'", ) group = OptionGroup( parser, "Baseline Options", "SrMise cannot determine the appropriate type of " "baseline (e.g. crystalline vs. some nanoparticle) " "solely from the data, so the user should specify the " "appropriate type and/or parameters. (Default is " "identically 0, which is unphysical.) SrMise keeps the " "PDF baseline fixed at its initial value until the " "final stages of peak extraction, so results are " "frequently conditioned on that choice. (See the " "SrMise documentation for details.) A good estimate " "is therefore important for best results. SrMise can " "estimate initial parameters from the data for linear " "baselines in some situations (all peaks are positive, " "and the degree of overlap in the region of extraction " "is not too great), but in most cases it is best to " "provide reasonable initial parameters. Run 'srmise " " [baseline_option] --no-extract --plot' " "for different values of the parameters for rapid " "visual estimation.", ) group.add_option( "--baseline", dest="baseline", metavar="BL", help="Estimate baseline from baseline function BL " "defined in diffpy.srmise.baselines, e.g. " "'Polynomial(degree=1)'. All parameters are free. " "(Many POSIX shells attempt to interpret the " "parentheses, and on these shells the option should " "be surrounded by quotation marks.)", ) group.add_option( "--bcrystal", dest="bcrystal", type="string", metavar="rho0[c]", help="Use linear baseline defined by crystal number " "density rho0. Append 'c' to make parameter " "constant. Equivalent to " "'--bpoly1 -4*pi*rho0[c] 0c'.", ) group.add_option( "--bsrmise", dest="bsrmise", type="string", metavar="file", help="Use baseline from specified .srmise file.", ) group.add_option( "--bpoly0", dest="bpoly0", type="string", metavar="a0[c]", help="Use constant baseline given by y=a0. " "Append 'c' to make parameter constant.", ) group.add_option( "--bpoly1", dest="bpoly1", type="string", nargs=2, metavar="a1[c] a0[c]", help="Use baseline given by y=a1*x + a0. Append 'c' to " "make parameter constant.", ) group.add_option( "--bpoly2", dest="bpoly2", type="string", nargs=3, metavar="a2[c] a1[c] a0[c]", help="Use baseline given by y=a2*x^2+a1*x + a0. Append " "'c' to make parameter constant.", ) group.add_option( "--bseq", dest="bseq", type="string", metavar="FILE", help="Use baseline interpolated from x,y values in FILE. " "This baseline has no free parameters.", ) group.add_option( "--bspherical", dest="bspherical", type="string", nargs=2, metavar="s[c] r[c]", help="Use spherical nanoparticle baseline with scale s " "and radius r. Append 'c' to make parameter " "constant.", ) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup( parser, "Uncertainty Options", "Ideally a PDF reports the accurate experimentally " "determined uncertainty. In practice, many PDFs " "report none, while for others the reported values " "are not necessarily reliable. (If in doubt, ask your " "friendly neighborhood diffraction expert!) Even when " "uncertainties are accurate, it can be " "pragmatically useful to see how the results of " "peak extraction change when assuming a different " "value. Nevertheless, the primary determinant of " "model complexity in SrMise is the uncertainty, so an " "ad hoc uncertainty yields ad hoc model complexity. " "See the SrMise documentation for further discussion, " "including methods to mitigate this issue with " "multimodel selection.", ) group.add_option( "--dg-mode", dest="dg_mode", type="choice", choices=["absolute", "data", "max-fraction", "ptp-fraction", "dG-fraction"], help="Define how values passed to '--dg' are treated. " "Possible values are: \n" "'absolute' - The actual uncertainty in the PDF.\n" "'max-fraction' - Fraction of max value in PDF.\n" "'ptp-fraction' - Fraction of max minus min value " "in the PDF.\n" "'dG-fraction' - Fraction of dG reported by PDF.\n" "If '--dg' is specified but mode is not, then mode " "ia absolute. Otherwise, 'dG-fraction' is default " "if the PDF reports uncertaintes, and 'max-fraction' " "ia default if it does not.", ) group.add_option( "--dg", dest="dg", type="float", help="Perform extraction assuming uncertainty dg. " "Defaults depend on --dg-mode as follows:\n" "'absolute'=%s\n" "'max-fraction'=%s\n" "'ptp-fraction'=%s\n" "'dG-fraction'=%s" % ( dg_defaults["absolute"], dg_defaults["max-fraction"], dg_defaults["ptp-fraction"], dg_defaults["dG-fraction"], ), ) # group.add_option("--multimodel", nargs=3, dest="multimodel", type="float", # metavar="dg_min dg_max n", # help="Generate n models from dg_min to dg_max (given by " # "--dg-mode) and perform multimodel analysis. " # "This overrides any value given for --dg") parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, "Saving and Plotting Options", "") group.add_option( "--pwa", dest="pwafile", metavar="FILE", help="Save summary of result to FILE (.pwa format).", ) group.add_option( "--save", dest="savefile", metavar="FILE", help="Save result of extraction to FILE (.srmise " "format).", ) group.add_option("--plot", "-p", action="store_true", dest="plot", help="Plot extracted peaks.") group.add_option( "--liveplot", "-l", action="store_true", dest="liveplot", help="(Experimental) Plot extracted peaks when fitting.", ) group.add_option( "--wait", "-w", action="store_true", dest="wait", help="(Experimental) When using liveplot wait for user " "after plotting.", ) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, "Verbosity Options", "Control detail printed to console.") group.add_option( "--informative", "-i", action="store_const", const="info", dest="verbosity", help="Summary of progress.", ) group.add_option( "--quiet", "-q", action="store_const", const="warning", dest="verbosity", help="[Default] Show minimal summary.", ) group.add_option( "--silent", "-s", action="store_const", const="critical", dest="verbosity", help="No non-critical output.", ) group.add_option( "--verbose", "-v", action="store_const", const="debug", dest="verbosity", help="Show verbose output.", ) parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, "Deprecated Options", "Not for general use.") group.add_option( "--scale", action="store_true", dest="scale", help="(Deprecated) Scale supersampled uncertainties by " "sqrt(oversampling) in intermediate steps when " "Nyquist sampling.", ) group.add_option( "--no-scale", action="store_false", dest="scale", help="(Deprecated) Never rescale uncertainties.", ) parser.add_option_group(group) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Exactly one argument required. \n" + usage) from diffpy.srmise import srmiselog srmiselog.setlevel(options.verbosity) from diffpy.srmise.pdfpeakextraction import PDFPeakExtraction from diffpy.srmise.srmiseerrors import SrMiseDataFormatError, SrMiseFileError if options.peakfunction: try: options.peakfunction = eval("peaks." + options.peakfunction) except Exception as err: print(err) print("Could not create peak function '%s'. Exiting." % options.peakfunction) return if options.modelevaluator: try: options.modelevaluator = eval("modelevaluators." + options.modelevaluator) except Exception as err: print(err) print("Could not find ModelEvaluator '%s'. Exiting." % options.modelevaluator) return if options.bcrystal: from diffpy.srmise.baselines.polynomial import Polynomial bl = Polynomial(degree=1) options.baseline = parsepars(bl, [options.bcrystal, "0c"])[0] = -4 * np.pi *[0] elif options.bsrmise: # use baseline from existing file blext = PDFPeakExtraction() options.baseline = blext.extracted.baseline elif options.bpoly0: from diffpy.srmise.baselines.polynomial import Polynomial bl = Polynomial(degree=0) options.baseline = parsepars(bl, [options.bpoly0]) elif options.bpoly1: from diffpy.srmise.baselines.polynomial import Polynomial bl = Polynomial(degree=1) options.baseline = parsepars(bl, options.bpoly1) elif options.bpoly2: from diffpy.srmise.baselines.polynomial import Polynomial bl = Polynomial(degree=2) options.baseline = parsepars(bl, options.bpoly2) elif options.bseq: from diffpy.srmise.baselines.fromsequence import FromSequence bl = FromSequence(options.bseq) options.baseline = bl.actualize([], "internal") elif options.bspherical: from diffpy.srmise.baselines.nanospherical import NanoSpherical bl = NanoSpherical() options.baseline = parsepars(bl, options.bspherical) try: options.baseline = eval("baselines." + options.baseline) except Exception as err: print(err) print("Could not create baseline '%s'. Exiting." % options.baseline) return filename = args[0] if filename: ext = PDFPeakExtraction() try: except (SrMiseDataFormatError, SrMiseFileError, Exception): ext.loadpdf(filename) pdict = {} if options.peakfunction: pdict["pf"] = [options.peakfunction] if options.baseline: pdict["baseline"] = options.baseline if options.cres: pdict["cres"] = options.cres if options.dg_mode is None: if options.dg: options.dg_mode = "absolute" elif ext.dy is None: options.dg_mode = "max-fraction" else: options.dg_mode = "dG-fraction" if options.dg is None: options.dg = dg_defaults[options.dg_mode] if options.dg_mode == "absolute": pdict["effective_dy"] = options.dg * np.ones(len(ext.x)) elif options.dg_mode == "max-fraction": pdict["effective_dy"] = options.dg * ext.y.max() * np.ones(len(ext.x)) elif options.dg_mode == "ptp-fraction": pdict["effective_dy"] = options.dg * ext.y.ptp() * np.ones(len(ext.y)) elif options.dg_mode == "dG-fraction": pdict["effective_dy"] = options.dg * ext.dy if options.rng: pdict["rng"] = list(options.rng) if options.qmax: pdict["qmax"] = options.qmax if options.qmax == "automatic" else float(options.qmax) if options.nyquist: pdict["nyquist"] = options.nyquist if options.supersample: pdict["supersample"] = options.supersample if options.scale: pdict["scale"] = options.scale if options.modelevaluator: pdict["error_method"] = options.modelevaluator if options.liveplot: from diffpy.srmise import srmiselog srmiselog.liveplotting(True, options.wait) ext.setvars(**pdict) cov = None if options.performextraction: cov = ext.extract() print(cov) if options.savefile: try: ext.write(options.savefile) except SrMiseFileError as err: print(err) print("Could not save result to '%s'." % options.savefile) if options.pwafile: try: ext.writepwa(options.pwafile) except SrMiseFileError as err: print(err) print("Could not save pwa summary to '%s'." % options.pwafile) print(ext) if cov: print(cov) if options.plot: from diffpy.srmise.applications.plot import makeplot makeplot(ext) elif options.liveplot:
[docs] def parsepars(mp, parseq): """Return actualized model from sequence of strings. Each item in parseq must be interpretable as a float, or as a float with the character 'c' appended. If 'c' is appended, that parameter will be fixed. Parameters: mp - A ModelPart instance parseq - A sequence of string """ pars = [] free = [] for p in parseq: if p[-1] == "c": pars.append(float(p[0:-1])) free.append(False) else: pars.append(float(p)) free.append(True) return mp.actualize(pars, "internal", free=free)
# Class to preserve newlines in optparse # Borrowed, with minor changes, from #
[docs] class IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL(IndentedHelpFormatter): def _format_text(self, text): if not text: return "" text_width = self.width - self.current_indent indent = " " * self.current_indent # the above is still the same bits = text.split("\n") formatted_bits = [ textwrap.fill(bit, text_width, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent) for bit in bits ] result = "\n".join(formatted_bits) + "\n" return result
[docs] def format_option(self, option): # The help for each option consists of two parts: # * the opt strings and metavars # eg. ("-x", or "-fFILENAME, --file=FILENAME") # * the user-supplied help string # eg. ("turn on expert mode", "read data from FILENAME") # # If possible, we write both of these on the same line: # -x turn on expert mode # # But if the opt string list is too long, we put the help # string on a second line, indented to the same column it would # start in if it fit on the first line. # -fFILENAME, --file=FILENAME # read data from FILENAME result = [] opts = self.option_strings[option] opt_width = self.help_position - self.current_indent - 2 if len(opts) > opt_width: opts = "%*s%s\n" % (self.current_indent, "", opts) indent_first = self.help_position else: # start help on same line as opts opts = "%*s%-*s " % (self.current_indent, "", opt_width, opts) indent_first = 0 result.append(opts) if help_text = self.expand_default(option) # Everything is the same up through here help_lines = [] for para in help_text.split("\n"): help_lines.extend(textwrap.wrap(para, self.help_width)) # Everything is the same after here result.append("%*s%s\n" % (indent_first, "", help_lines[0])) result.extend(["%*s%s\n" % (self.help_position, "", line) for line in help_lines[1:]]) elif opts[-1] != "\n": result.append("\n") return "".join(result)
# End class if __name__ == "__main__": main()