Source code for diffpy.srmise.applications.plot

#!/usr/bin/env python
# SrMise            by Luke Granlund
#                   (c) 2014 trustees of the Michigan State University
#                   (c) 2024 trustees of Columia University in the City of New York
#                   All rights reserved.
# File coded by:    Luke Granlund
# See LICENSE.txt for license information.
"""plot extracted peaks and comparison to ideal distances (if given)"""

import optparse
import sys

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.axisartist as AA
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes

from diffpy.srmise.pdfpeakextraction import PDFPeakExtraction, resample
from diffpy.srmise.peakstability import PeakStability

# For a given figure, returns a label of interest
labeldict = {}

default_gobs_style = {
    "color": "b",
    "linestyle": "",
    "markeredgecolor": "b",
    "marker": "o",
    "markerfacecolor": "none",
    "markersize": 4,

default_gfit_style = {"color": "g"}
default_gind_style = {"facecolor": "green", "alpha": 0.2}
default_gres_style = {}
default_ep_style = {}
default_ip_style = {}

default_dg_style = {
    "linestyle": "none",
    "color": "black",
    "marker": "o",
    "markerfacecolor": "black",
    "markeredgecolor": "black",
    "markersize": 1,
    "antialiased": False,

[docs] def setfigformat(figsize): from matplotlib import rc rc("legend", numpoints=2) rc("figure", figsize=figsize) rc("axes", titlesize=12, labelsize=11) rc("xtick", labelsize=10) rc("ytick", labelsize=10) rc("lines", linewidth=0.75, markeredgewidth=0.5) return
[docs] def gr_formataxis(ax=None): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_label_position("left") ax.yaxis.tick_left() ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("both") return
[docs] def comparepositions(ppe, ip=None, **kwds): ax = kwds.get("ax", plt.gca()) base = kwds.get("base", 0.0) yideal = kwds.get("yideal", -1.0) yext = kwds.get("yext", 1.0) ep_style = kwds.get("ep_style", default_ep_style) ip_style = kwds.get("ip_style", default_ip_style) yideal_label = kwds.get("yideal_label", r"ideal") yext_label = kwds.get("yext_label", r"found") pmin = kwds.get("pmin", -np.inf) pmax = kwds.get("pmax", np.inf) ep = [p["position"] for p in ppe.model] ep = [p for p in ep if p >= pmin and p <= pmax] if ip is not None: xi = np.nan + np.zeros(3 * len(ip)) xi[0::3] = ip xi[1::3] = ip yi = np.zeros_like(xi) + base yi[1::3] += yideal plt.plot(xi, yi, "b", lw=1.5, **ip_style) xe = np.nan + np.zeros(3 * len(ep)) xe[0::3] = ep xe[1::3] = ep ye = np.zeros_like(xe) + base ye[1::3] += yext plt.plot(xe, ye, "g", lw=1.5, **ep_style) if ip is not None: plt.axhline(base, linestyle=":", color="k") ax.yaxis.set_ticks([base + 0.5 * yideal, base + 0.5 * yext]) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([yideal_label, yext_label]) else: ax.yaxis.set_ticks([base + 0.5 * yext]) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([yext_label]) # Set ylim explicitly, for case where yext is empty. if ip is not None: plt.ylim(base + yideal, base + yext) else: plt.ylim(base, base + yext) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.tick1line.set_markersize(0) tick.tick2line.set_markersize(0) tick.label1.set_verticalalignment("center") tick.label1.set_fontsize(8) ticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks() ticks[-1].label1.set_color("green") if ip is not None: ticks[0].label1.set_color("blue") return
[docs] def dgseries(stability, **kwds): kwds.get("ax", plt.gca()) dg_style = kwds.get("dg_style", default_dg_style) scale = kwds.get("scale", 1.0) dgmin = kwds.get("dgmin", stability.results[0][0]) * scale dgmax = kwds.get("dgmax", stability.results[-1][0]) * scale pmin = kwds.get("pmin", 0.0) pmax = kwds.get("pmax", np.inf) x = [] y = [] for dg, peaks, bl, dr in stability.results: if dg * scale < dgmin or dg * scale > dgmax: continue peakpos = [p["position"] for p in peaks] peakpos = [p for p in peakpos if p >= pmin and p <= pmax] x.extend(peakpos) y.extend(np.zeros_like(peakpos) + dg * scale) plt.plot(x, y, **dg_style)
[docs] def labelallsubplots(): rv = [] for i, c in enumerate("abcd"): plt.subplot(221 + i) s = "(%s)" % c ht = plt.text( 0.04, 0.95, s, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", transform=plt.gca().transAxes, weight="bold", ) rv.append(ht) return rv
[docs] def makeplot(ppe_or_stability, ip=None, **kwds): """Plot stuff""" if isinstance(ppe_or_stability, PeakStability): stability = ppe_or_stability ppe = stability.ppe else: stability = None ppe = ppe_or_stability if ppe.extracted is None: # Makeplot requires a ModelCluster, so whip one up. from diffpy.srmise.modelcluster import ModelCluster ppe.defaultvars() # Make sure everything has some setting. This # shouldn't have harmful side effects. rangeslice = ppe.getrangeslice() x = ppe.x[rangeslice] y = ppe.y[rangeslice] dy = ppe.effective_dy[rangeslice] mcluster = ModelCluster(ppe.initial_peaks, ppe.baseline, x, y, dy, None, ppe.error_method, ext = mcluster else: ext = ppe.extracted figdict = {} # Range along x-axis xlo = kwds.get("xlo", ext.r_cluster[0]) xhi = kwds.get("xhi", ext.r_cluster[-1]) # Range of PDF to display # This is deferred until the defaults can be calculated # min_gr # max_gr # Define heights and interstitial offsets # All values in percent of main axis. top_offset = kwds.get("top_offset", 0.0) dg_height = kwds.get("dg_height", 15.0 if stability is not None else 0.0) cmp_height = kwds.get("cmp_height", 15.0 if ip is not None else 7.5) datatop_offset = kwds.get("datatop_offset", 3.0) # <- Data appears here -> databottom_offset = kwds.get("databottom_offset", 3.0) # <- Residual appears here -> bottom_offset = kwds.get("bottom_offset", 3.0) # Style options kwds.get("dg_style", default_dg_style) gobs_style = kwds.get("gobs_style", default_gobs_style) gfit_style = kwds.get("gfit_style", default_gfit_style) gind_style = kwds.get("gind_style", default_gind_style) gres_style = kwds.get("gres_style", default_gres_style) ep_style = kwds.get("ep_style", default_ep_style) ip_style = kwds.get("ip_style", default_ip_style) # Label options userxlabel = kwds.get("xlabel", r"r ($\mathrm{\AA}$)") userylabel = kwds.get("ylabel", r"G ($\mathrm{\AA^{-2}}$)") datalabelx = kwds.get("datalabelx", 0.04) yideal_label = kwds.get("yideal_label", r"ideal") yext_label = kwds.get("yext_label", r"found") # Other options datalabel = kwds.get("datalabel", None) dgformatstr = kwds.get("dgformatstr", r"$\delta$g=%f") kwds.get("dgformatpost", None) # ->userfunction(string) show_fit = kwds.get("show_fit", True) show_individual = kwds.get("show_individual", True) fill_individual = kwds.get("fill_individual", True) show_observed = kwds.get("show_observed", True) show_residual = kwds.get("show_residual", True) mask_residual = kwds.get("mask_residual", False) # -> number show_annotation = kwds.get("show_annotation", True) scale = kwds.get("scale", 1.0) # Apply a global scaling factor to the data # Define the various data which will be plotted r = ext.r_cluster dr = (r[-1] - r[0]) / len(r) rexpand = np.concatenate((np.arange(r[0] - dr, xlo, -dr)[::-1], r, np.arange(r[-1] + dr, xhi + dr, dr))) rfine = np.arange(r[0], r[-1], 0.1 * dr) gr_obs = np.array(resample(ppe.x, ppe.y, rexpand)) * scale # gr_fit = resample(r, ext.value(), rfine) gr_fit = np.array(ext.value(rfine)) * scale gr_fit_baseline = np.array(ext.valuebl(rfine)) * scale gr_fit_ind = [gr_fit_baseline + np.array(p.value(rfine)) * scale for p in ext.model] gr_res = np.array(ext.residual()) * scale if mask_residual: gr_res =, -mask_residual, mask_residual) all_gr = [] if show_fit: all_gr.append(gr_fit) # if show_individual: all_gr.extend([gr_fit_baseline, gr_fit_ind]) if show_individual: all_gr.append(gr_fit_baseline) if len(gr_fit_ind) > 0: all_gr.extend(gr_fit_ind) if show_observed: all_gr.append(gr_obs) # gr_fit_ind is a list of lists, so use np.min/max # The funky bit with scale makes sure that a user-specified value # has scale applied to it, without messing up the default values, # which are calculated from already scaled quantities. min_gr = kwds.get("min_gr", np.min([np.min(gr) for gr in all_gr]) / scale) * scale max_gr = kwds.get("max_gr", np.max([np.max(gr) for gr in all_gr]) / scale) * scale if show_residual: min_res = np.min(gr_res) max_res = np.max(gr_res) else: min_res = 0.0 max_res = 0.0 # Derive various y limits based on all the offsets rel_height = 100.0 - top_offset - dg_height - cmp_height - datatop_offset - databottom_offset - bottom_offset abs_height = 100 * ((max_gr - min_gr) + (max_res - min_res)) / rel_height yhi = max_gr + (top_offset + dg_height + cmp_height + datatop_offset) * abs_height / 100 ylo = yhi - abs_height yhi = kwds.get("yhi", yhi) ylo = kwds.get("ylo", ylo) datatop = yhi - (yhi - ylo) * 0.01 * (top_offset + dg_height + cmp_height) datalabeltop = 1 - 0.01 * (top_offset + dg_height + cmp_height + datatop_offset) resbase = ylo + bottom_offset * abs_height / 100 - min_res resbase = kwds.get("resbase", resbase) fig = kwds.get("figure", plt.gcf()) fig.clf() ax_data = AA.Subplot(fig, 111) fig.add_subplot(ax_data) figdict["fig"] = fig figdict["data"] = ax_data # Plot the data, fit, and residual if show_observed: plt.plot(rexpand, gr_obs, **gobs_style) if show_fit: plt.plot(rfine, gr_fit, **gfit_style) if fill_individual: for peak in gr_fit_ind: plt.fill_between(rfine, gr_fit_baseline, peak, **gind_style) if show_residual: plt.plot(r, gr_res + resbase, "r-", **gres_style) plt.plot((xlo, xhi), 2 * [resbase], "k:") # Format ax_data plt.xlim(xlo, xhi) plt.ylim(ylo, yhi) plt.xlabel(userxlabel) plt.ylabel(userylabel) ax_data.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) # ax_data.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(np.max([1,int((yhi-ylo)/20)]))) ax_data.yaxis.set_label_position("left") ax_data.yaxis.tick_left() ax_data.yaxis.set_ticks_position("both") # Remove labels above where insets begin # ax_data.yaxis.set_ticklabels([str(int(loc)) for loc in ax_data.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() if loc < datatop]) ax_data.yaxis.set_ticks([loc for loc in ax_data.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() if (loc < datatop and loc >= ylo)]) # Dataset label if datalabel is not None: dl = plt.text( datalabelx, datalabeltop, datalabel, ha="left", va="top", transform=ax_data.transAxes, weight="bold", ) else: dl = None figdict["datalabel"] = dl # Create new x axis at bottom edge of compare inset ax_data.axis["top"].set_visible(False) ax_data.axis["newtop"] = ax_data.new_floating_axis(0, datatop, axis_direction="bottom") # "top" bugged? ax_data.axis["newtop"].toggle(all=False, ticks=True) ax_data.axis["newtop"].major_ticks.set_tick_out(True) ax_data.axis["newtop"].minor_ticks.set_tick_out(True) # New y-axis label, since AxisLabel positions cannot be set manually. # The original label is invisible, but we use its (dynamic) x position # to update the new label, which we define have the correct y position. # A bit of a tradeoff for the nice insets and ability to define new axes. newylabel = plt.text( -0.1, 0.5 * (datatop - ylo) / (yhi - ylo), userylabel, ha="center", va="center", rotation="vertical", transform=ax_data.transAxes, ) labeldict[fig] = newylabel # so we can find the correct text object fig.canvas.mpl_connect("draw_event", on_draw) # original label invisibility and updating # Compare extracted (and ideal, if provided) peak positions clearly. if cmp_height > 0: ax_cmp = inset_axes( ax_data, width="100%", height="%s%%" % cmp_height, loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, -0.01 * (top_offset + dg_height), 1, 1), bbox_transform=ax_data.transAxes, borderpad=0, ) figdict["cmp"] = ax_cmp plt.axes(ax_cmp) comparepositions( ext, ip, ep_style=ep_style, ip_style=ip_style, yideal_label=yideal_label, yext_label=yext_label, ) plt.xlim(xlo, xhi) ax_cmp.set_xticks([]) # Show how extracted peak positions change as dg is changed if dg_height > 0: ax_dg = inset_axes( ax_data, width="100%", height="%s%%" % dg_height, loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(0, -0.01 * top_offset, 1, 1), bbox_transform=ax_data.transAxes, borderpad=0, ) figdict["dg"] = ax_dg plt.axes(ax_dg) dgkwds = {} if "scale" in kwds: dgkwds["scale"] = kwds["scale"] if "dgmin" in kwds: dgkwds["dgmin"] = kwds["dgmin"] if "dgmax" in kwds: dgkwds["dgmax"] = kwds["dgmax"] dgseries(stability, base=0, pmin=r[0], pmax=r[-1], **dgkwds) plt.xlim(xlo, xhi) ax_dg.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax_dg.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(3)) plt.ylabel(r"$\delta$g") # Annotate the actual dg shown if show_annotation: dg = np.mean(ext.error_cluster) * scale dgstr = dgformatstr % dg if "dgformatpost" in kwds: # post-processing on dg annotation dgstr = kwds["dgformatpost"](dgstr) if len(ext.model) > 0: xpos = np.mean([xlo, ext.model[0]["position"]]) # OK for now. else: xpos = xlo + 0.1 * (xhi - xlo) if dg_height > 0 and cmp_height > 0: # Arrow, text in compare distances line ylo2, yhi2 = ax_dg.get_ylim() if ip is not None: ypos = ylo2 - 0.25 * cmp_height / dg_height * (yhi2 - ylo2) else: ypos = ylo2 - 0.5 * cmp_height / dg_height * (yhi2 - ylo2) plt.annotate( dgstr, xy=(xlo, dg), xycoords="data", va="center", ha="center", xytext=(xpos, ypos), textcoords="data", size=8, color="green", arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=90,angleB=0,rad=10", color="green", ), ) elif dg_height > 0: # Arrow, and text located somewhere in main plot region # Must change axes pass elif cmp_height > 0: # No arrow, text in compare distances line # Must change axes plt.axes(ax_cmp) ylo2, yhi2 = ax_cmp.get_ylim() ypos = yhi2 / 2.0 plt.text(xpos, ypos, dgstr, va="center", ha="center", size=8, color="green") else: # Text only in main plot region # Must change axes pass plt.draw() return figdict
# Bit of a kluge to make sure the label on the y-axis # is placed correctly. The "invisiblelabel" has correct # x-position, but it's y-position cannot be manually set. # The visiblelabel has correct y-position, and we update # its x-position based on invisiblelabel. Of course, # invisiblelabel must be temporarily made visible to update # its values. _lastxpos = {}
[docs] def on_draw(event): global _lastxpos fig = event.canvas.figure ax_main = fig.get_axes()[0] invisiblelabel = ax_main.axis["left"].label invisiblelabel.set_visible(True) visiblelabel = labeldict[fig] bbox = invisiblelabel.get_window_extent(invisiblelabel._renderer) bbox = bbox.transformed(ax_main.transAxes.inverted()) bbox = bbox.get_points() xpos = np.mean(np.transpose(bbox)[0]) # This, and the whole lastxpos business, is so label is properly # updated when using the Agg backend to create a .png. (at least in # matplotlib 1.1.0) For some reason the invisible label is not set # correctly when drawn with that backend unless redrawn at least once. # If it is kept visible the whole time this problem doesn't occur. # This problem doesn't occur onscreen (TkAgg) or printing PDFs, and # didn't occur in matplotlib 1.0.0. if abs(xpos - _lastxpos.get(fig, 0)) > 0.001: _lastxpos[fig] = xpos plt.draw() else: _lastxpos[fig] = xpos invisiblelabel.set_visible(False) xpos_old = visiblelabel.get_position()[0] if abs(xpos - xpos_old) > 0.001: labeldict[fig].set_x(xpos) plt.draw() return
[docs] def readcompare(filename): """Returns a list of distances read from filename, otherwise None.""" # TODO: Make this safer try: datastring = open(filename, "rb").read() except Exception as err: raise err import re res ="^[^#]", datastring, re.M) if res: datastring = datastring[res.end() :].strip() distances = [] try: for line in datastring.split("\n"): distances.append(float(line)) except (ValueError, IndexError): print("Could not read distances from '%s'. Ignoring file." % filename) if len(distances) == 0: return None else: return distances
[docs] def main(): # configure options parsing usage = ( "%prog srmise_file [options]\n" "srmise_file can be an extraction file saved by SrMise, " "or a data file saved by PeakStability." ) descr = ( "A very basic tool for somewhat prettier plotting than provided by " "the basic SrMise classes. Can be used to compare peak positions " "with those from a list.\n" "NOTE: At this time the utility only works with peaks extracted using diffpy.srmise.PDFPeakExtraction." ) parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=descr) parser.add_option( "--compare", type="string", help="Compare extracted distances to distances listed (1/line) in this file.", ) parser.add_option( "--model", type="int", help="Plot given model from set. Ignored if srmise_file is not a PeakStability file.", ) parser.add_option("--show", action="store_true", help="execute blocking call") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", type="string", help="save plot to the specified file") parser.add_option("--format", type="string", default="eps", help="output format for plot saving") parser.allow_interspersed_args = True opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Exactly one argument required. \n" + usage) filename = args[0] if filename is not None: toplot = PDFPeakExtraction() try: except Exception: toplot = PeakStability() try: toplot.load(filename) except Exception: print("File '%s' is not a .srmise or PeakStability data file." % filename) return if opts.model is not None: try: toplot.setcurrent(opts.model) except Exception: print("Ignoring model, %s is not a PeakStability file." % filename) distances = None if is not None: # use baseline from existing file distances = readcompare( setfigformat(figsize=(6.0, 4.0)) makeplot(toplot, distances) if opts.output: plt.savefig(opts.output, format=opts.format, dpi=600) if else: plt.draw() return
if __name__ == "__main__": main()