#!/usr/bin/env python
# SrMise by Luke Granlund
# (c) 2014 trustees of the Michigan State University
# (c) 2024 trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
# All rights reserved.
# File coded by: Luke Granlund
# See LICENSE.txt for license information.
import logging
import numpy as np
from diffpy.srmise.baselines.base import BaselineFunction
from diffpy.srmise.srmiseerrors import SrMiseEstimationError
logger = logging.getLogger("diffpy.srmise")
class Polynomial(BaselineFunction):
"""Methods for evaluation and parameter estimation of a polynomial baseline."""
def __init__(self, degree, Cache=None):
"""Initialize a polynomial function of degree d.
degree: int
The degree of the polynomial. Any negative value is interpreted
as the polynomial of negative infinite degree.
Cache: class
The class (not instance) which implements caching of BaseFunction
# Guarantee valid degree
self.degree = int(str(degree))
except ValueError:
emsg = "Argument degree must be an integer."
raise ValueError(emsg)
if self.degree < 0:
self.degree = -1 # interpreted as negative infinity
# Define parameterdict
# e.g. {"a_0":3, "a_1":2, "a_2":1, "a_3":0} if degree is 3.
parameterdict = {}
for d in range(self.degree + 1):
parameterdict["a_" + str(d)] = self.degree - d
formats = ["internal"]
default_formats = {"default_input": "internal", "default_output": "internal"}
metadict = {"degree": (degree, repr)}
BaselineFunction.__init__(self, parameterdict, formats, default_formats, metadict, None, Cache)
# Methods required by BaselineFunction ####
def estimate_parameters(self, r, y):
"""Estimate parameters for polynomial baseline.
Estimation is currently implemented only for degree < 2. This
very rudimentary method assumes the baseline crosses the origin, and
y=baseline+signal, where signal is primarily positive.
r : array-like
The data along r from which to estimate
y : array-like
The data along y from which to estimate
The Numpy array of parameters in the default internal format.
Raises NotImplementedError if estimation is not implemented for this
degree, or SrMiseEstimationError if parameters cannot be estimated for
any other reason.
if self.degree > 1:
emsg = "Polynomial implements estimation for baselines of degree <= 1 only."
raise NotImplementedError(emsg)
if len(r) != len(y):
emsg = "Arrays r, y must have equal length."
raise ValueError(emsg)
if self.degree == -1:
return np.array([])
if self.degree == 0:
return np.array([0.0])
if self.degree == 1:
# Estimate degree=1 baseline.
# Find best slope for y=slope*r using only the least 10% of all
# points, assuming the non-baseline component of the data largely
# lies above the baseline.
# TODO: Make this more sophisticated.
cut = np.max([len(y) / 10, 1])
cut_idx = y.argsort()[: int(cut)]
import numpy.linalg as la
a = np.array([r[cut_idx]]).T
slope = la.lstsq(a, y[cut_idx], rcond=-1)[0][0]
return np.array([slope, 0.0])
except Exception as e:
emsg = "Error during estimation -- " + str(e)
raise SrMiseEstimationError(emsg)
def _jacobianraw(self, pars, r, free):
"""Return the Jacobian of a polynomial.
pars : array-like
The sequence of parameters for a polynomial of degree d
pars[0] = a_degree
pars[1] = a_(degree-1)
pars[d] = a_0
r : array-like
The sequence or scalar over which pars is evaluated
free : bool
The sequence of booleans which determines which derivatives are
needed. True for evaluation, False for no evaluation.
jacobian: array-like
The Jacobian of polynomial with degree d
if len(pars) != self.npars:
emsg = "Argument pars must have " + str(self.npars) + " elements."
raise ValueError(emsg)
if len(free) != self.npars:
emsg = "Argument free must have " + str(self.npars) + " elements."
raise ValueError(emsg)
jacobian = [None for p in range(self.npars)]
if np.sum(np.logical_not(free)) == self.npars:
return jacobian
# The partial derivative with respect to the nth coefficient of a
# polynomial is just x^nth.
for idx in range(self.npars):
if free[idx]:
jacobian[idx] = np.power(r, idx)
return jacobian
def _transform_parametersraw(self, pars, in_format, out_format):
"""Convert parameter values from in_format to out_format.
pars : array-like
The sequence of parameters
in_format : str
The format defined for this class
out_format : str
The format defined for this class
Defined Formats
internal: [a_degree, a_(degree-1), ..., a_0]
The transformed parameters in out_format
temp = np.array(pars)
# Convert to intermediate format "internal"
if in_format == "internal":
raise ValueError("Argument 'in_format' must be one of %s." % self.parformats)
# Convert to specified output format from "internal" format.
if out_format == "internal":
raise ValueError("Argument 'out_format' must be one of %s." % self.parformats)
return temp
def _valueraw(self, pars, r):
"""Return value of polynomial for the given parameters and r values.
pars : array-like
The sequence of parameters for a polynomial of degree d
pars[0] = a_degree
pars[1] = a_(degree-1)
pars[d] = a_0
If degree is negative infinity, pars is an empty sequence.
r : array-like
The sequence or scalar over which pars is evaluated
The value of polynomial for the given parameters and r values.
if len(pars) != self.npars:
emsg = "Argument pars must have " + str(self.npars) + " elements."
raise ValueError(emsg)
return np.polyval(pars, r)
def getmodule(self):
return __name__
# end of class Polynomial
# simple test code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Test polynomial of degree 3
print("Testing degree 3 polynomial")
f = Polynomial(degree=3)
r = np.arange(5)
pars = np.array([3, 0, 1, 2])
free = np.array([True, False, True, True])
val = f._valueraw(pars, r)
jac = f._jacobianraw(pars, r, free)
print("Value:\n", val)
print("Jacobian: ")
for j in jac:
print(" %s" % j)
# Test polynomial of degree -oo
print("\nTesting degree -oo polynomial (== 0)")
f = Polynomial(degree=-1)
r = np.arange(5)
pars = np.array([])
free = np.array([])
val = f._valueraw(pars, r)
jac = f._jacobianraw(pars, r, free)
print("Value:\n", val)
print("Jacobian: ")
for j in jac:
print(" %s" % j)
# Test linear estimation
print("\nTesting linear baseline estimation")
f = Polynomial(degree=1)
pars = np.array([1, 0])
r = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1)
y = -r + 10 * np.exp(-((r - 5) ** 2)) + np.random.rand(len(r))
est = f.estimate_parameters(r, y)
print("Actual baseline: ", np.array([-1, 0.0]))
# TODO: Make test est baseline in ways of tolerance function
print("Estimated baseline: ", est)