Source code for diffpy.srmise.multimodelselection

#!/usr/bin/env python
# SrMise            by Luke Granlund
#                   (c) 2014 trustees of the Michigan State University
#                   (c) 2024 trustees of Columia University in the City of New York
#                   All rights reserved.
# File coded by:    Luke Granlund
# See LICENSE.txt for license information.

import logging

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import transforms

from diffpy.srmise.modelcluster import ModelCluster
from diffpy.srmise.peakstability import PeakStability

logger = logging.getLogger("diffpy.srmise")

[docs] def eatkwds(*args, **kwds): """Convenience function to remove all keywords in args from kwds.""" for k in args: if k in kwds: print("Keyword %s=%s ignored." % (k, kwds.pop(k))) return kwds
[docs] class MultimodelSelection(PeakStability): """Quick and dirty multimodel selection using AIC and its offspring.""" def __init__(self): """ """ self.dgs = np.array([]) self.dgs_idx = {} self.classes = [] self.classes_idx = [] self.class_tolerance = None # Track the best models self.aics = {} self.aicweights = {} self.aicprobs = {} self.sortedprobs = {} # Track the best models (separated into classes) self.classweights = {} self.classprobs = {} self.sortedclassprobs = {} self.sortedclasses = {} # dg->as self.classes, but with model indices sorted by best AIC PeakStability.__init__(self) return
[docs] def makeaics(self, dgs, dr, filename=None): """Test quality of each model for all possible uncertainties. Parameters ---------- dgs : array-like The array of uncertainties over which to test each model. dr : float The sampling rate to use. This determines the actual data to use for testing, since sometimes the actual result is different than the nominal value. filename : str Optional file to save pickled results Returns ------- None """ aics_out = {} # Version of self.aics that holds only the statistic, not the AIC object. self.dgs = np.array(dgs) for i, dg in enumerate(self.dgs): self.dgs_idx[dg] = i self.aics[dg] = [] aics_out[dg] = [] (r, y, dr, dy) = self.ppe.resampledata(dr) for model_idx in range(len(self.results)): print("Testing model %s of %s." % (model_idx, len(self.results))) result = self.results[model_idx] em = self.ppe.error_method # This section dependent on spaghetti code elsewhere in srmise! # Short cut evaluation of AICs which doesn't require calculating chi-square # over and over again. This method assumes that the various uncertainties # being evaluated are all proportional to each other, and that constant of # proportionality can be determined from self.dgs. It also depends on the # non-obvious behavior of modelevaluators.AIC (and its inheritors) that the # chi-square value is only recalculated if its current value is None. That # code is old and pretty ugly, and if that functionality changes this will # also break. That said, PeakStability, MultimodelSelection, and the entire # modelevaluators subpackage are in need of a rewrite, and so it would be # best to do them all at once. dg0 = self.dgs[0] mc = ModelCluster(result[1], result[2], r, y, dg0 * np.ones(len(r)), None, em, em0 = mc.quality() for dg in self.dgs: em_instance = em() em_instance.chisq = em0.chisq * (dg0 / dg) ** 2 # rescale chi-square em_instance.evaluate(mc) # evaluate AIC without recalculating chi-square self.aics[dg].append(em_instance) aics_out[dg].append(em_instance.stat) self.makeaicweights() self.makeaicprobs() self.makesortedprobs() if filename is not None: try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle out_s = open(filename, "wb") pickle.dump(aics_out, out_s) out_s.close() return
[docs] def loadaics(self, filename): """Load file containing results of the testall method. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename to load. Returns ------- None """ try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle in_s = open(filename, "rb") aics_in = pickle.load(in_s) in_s.close() em = self.ppe.error_method self.aics = aics_in self.dgs = np.sort(aics_in.keys()) for i, dg in enumerate(self.dgs): self.dgs_idx[dg] = i # Reconstruct in terms of AIC instances instead of the raw statistic found in file for dg in self.aics: for i, stat in enumerate(self.aics[dg]): em_instance = em() em_instance.stat = stat self.aics[dg][i] = em_instance self.makeaicweights() self.makeaicprobs() self.makesortedprobs() return
[docs] def makeaicweights(self): """Make weights for the aic Modelevaluators.""" self.aicweights = {} em = self.ppe.error_method for dg in self.dgs: self.aicweights[dg] = em.akaikeweights(self.aics[dg])
[docs] def makeaicprobs(self): """Make probabilities for the sequence of AICs.""" self.aicprobs = {} em = self.ppe.error_method for dg in self.dgs: self.aicprobs[dg] = em.akaikeprobs(self.aics[dg])
[docs] def makesortedprobs(self): """Make probabilities for the sequence of AICs in a sorted order.""" self.sortedprobs = {} for dg in self.dgs: self.sortedprobs[dg] = np.argsort(self.aicprobs[dg]).tolist()
[docs] def animate_probs(self, step=False, duration=0.0, **kwds): """Show animation of extracted peaks from first to last. Parameters ---------- step : bool Require keypress to show next plot, default is False. duration : float Minimum time in seconds to complete animation. Default is 0. Keywords passed to pyplot.plot()""" if duration > 0: import time sleeptime = duration / len(self.dgs) plt.ion() plt.subplot(211) best_idx = self.sortedprobs[self.dgs[0]][-1] (line,) = plt.plot(self.dgs, self.aicprobs[self.dgs[0]]) vline = plt.axvline(self.dgs[0]) (dot,) = plt.plot(self.dgs[best_idx], self.aicprobs[self.dgs[0]][best_idx], "ro") plt.subplot(212) self.setcurrent(best_idx) plt.plot(*self.ppe.extracted.plottable()) for dg in self.dgs[1:]: plt.ioff() line.set_ydata(self.aicprobs[dg]) vline.set_xdata(dg) if self.sortedprobs[dg][-1] != best_idx: best_idx = self.sortedprobs[dg][-1] s = slice(0, len(self.ppe.extracted.model)) self.ppe.extracted.replacepeaks(self.results[best_idx][1], s) plt.cla() plt.plot(*self.ppe.extracted.plottable()) dot.set_xdata(self.dgs[best_idx]) dot.set_ydata(self.aicprobs[dg][best_idx]) plt.ion() plt.draw() if step: input() if duration > 0: time.sleep(sleeptime)
[docs] def animate_classprobs(self, step=False, duration=0.0, **kwds): """Show animation of extracted peaks from first to last. Parameters ---------- step : bool Require keypress to show next plot, default is False. duration : float Minimum time in seconds to complete animation. Default is 0. Keywords passed to pyplot.plot()""" if duration > 0: import time sleeptime = duration / len(self.dgs) plt.ion() ax1 = plt.subplot(211) bestclass_idx = self.sortedclassprobs[self.dgs[0]][-1] best_idx = self.sortedclasses[self.dgs[0]][bestclass_idx][-1] arrow_left = len(self.classes) - 1 arrow_right = arrow_left + 0.05 * arrow_left (line,) = plt.plot(range(len(self.classes)), self.classprobs[self.dgs[0]]) (dot,) = plt.plot(self.dgs[best_idx], self.classprobs[self.dgs[0]][bestclass_idx], "ro") plt.axvline(arrow_left, color="k") ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.set_ylim(self.dgs[0], self.dgs[-1]) ax2.set_ylabel("dg") ax1.set_xlim(right=arrow_right) ax2.set_xlim(right=arrow_right) dgarrow = ax2.annotate( "", (arrow_right, self.dgs[0]), (arrow_left, self.dgs[0]), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-|>"), ) plt.subplot(212) self.setcurrent(best_idx) tempcluster = ModelCluster(self.ppe.extracted) val = tempcluster.plottable() minval = np.min(val[1::2]) [r, res] = tempcluster.plottable_residual() plt.plot(*val) plt.plot(r, minval - np.max(res) + res) for dg in self.dgs[1:]: plt.ioff() line.set_ydata(self.classprobs[dg]) dgarrow.xy = (arrow_right, dg) dgarrow.xytext = (arrow_left, dg) if self.sortedclassprobs[dg][-1] != bestclass_idx: bestclass_idx = self.sortedclassprobs[dg][-1] best_idx = self.sortedclasses[dg][bestclass_idx][-1] s = slice(0, len(tempcluster.model)) tempcluster.replacepeaks(self.results[best_idx][1], s) plt.cla() val = tempcluster.plottable() minval = np.min(val[1::2]) [r, res] = tempcluster.plottable_residual() plt.plot(*val) plt.plot(r, minval - np.max(res) + res) dot.set_xdata(bestclass_idx) dot.set_ydata(self.classprobs[dg][bestclass_idx]) plt.ion() plt.draw() if step: input() if duration > 0: time.sleep(sleeptime)
[docs] def classify(self, r, tolerance=0.05): """Find classes of models that are essentially the same. Same is defined as having peaks and baselines which all match (to within the specified tolerance). This is calculated as the fraction of the difference between the squared values to the squared values of the peak (or baseline) itself. The method is agnostic about free and fixed parameters. This will fail in the following cases: 1) The corresponding peaks are in the wrong order, even if just by a little 2) The exemplar (first model) of each class isn't the best representative 3) The parameters vary so smoothly there aren't actually definite classes Parameters ---------- r : array-like The r values over which to evaluate the models tolerance : float The fraction below which models are considered the same Returns ------- None """ self.classes = [] self.classes_idx = {} self.class_tolerance = None classes = [] # each element is a list of the models (result indices) in the class classes_idx = {} # given an integer corresponding to a model, return its class epsqval = {} # holds the squared value of each class' exemplar peaks ebsqval = {} # holds the squared value of each class exemplar baselines for i in range(len(self.results)): peaks = self.results[i][1] baseline = self.results[i][2] bsqval = baseline.value(r) ** 2 psqval = [p.value(r) ** 2 for p in peaks] added_to_class = False for c in range(len(classes)): exemplar_peaks = self.results[classes[c][0]][1] exemplar_baseline = self.results[classes[c][0]][2] # Check baseline type and number of parameters if type(baseline) is not type(exemplar_baseline): continue if baseline.npars() != exemplar_baseline.npars(): continue # check peak types and number of parameters badpeak = False if len(peaks) != len(exemplar_peaks): continue for p, ep in zip(peaks, exemplar_peaks): if type(p) is not type(ep): badpeak = True break if p.npars() != ep.npars(): badpeak = True break if badpeak: continue # check peak values for p, ep in zip(psqval, epsqval[c]): basediff = np.abs(np.sum(p - ep)) # if basediff > tolerance*np.sum(ep): if basediff > tolerance * np.sum(ep) or basediff > tolerance * np.sum(p): badpeak = True break if badpeak: continue # check baseline values basediff = np.abs(np.sum(bsqval - ebsqval[c])) # if basediff > tolerance*np.sum(ebsqval[c]): if basediff > tolerance * np.sum(ebsqval[c]) or basediff > tolerance * np.sum(bsqval): continue # that's all the checks, add to current class added_to_class = True classes[c].append(i) classes_idx[i] = c break if added_to_class is False: # make a new class with the current model as exemplar classes.append([i]) classnum = len(classes) - 1 classes_idx[i] = classnum epsqval[classnum] = psqval ebsqval[classnum] = bsqval self.classes = classes self.classes_idx = classes_idx self.class_tolerance = tolerance self.makesortedclasses() self.makeclassweights() self.makeclassprobs() self.makesortedclassprobs() return
[docs] def makesortedclasses(self): self.sortedclasses = {} for dg in self.dgs: bestinclass = [] for cls in self.classes: temp = [self.aics[dg][c] for c in cls] # poor man's argsort, since numpy is slow on the non-numeric aic objects. # Could sort on .stat instead, but that's a trap if I ever use # other methods that are sorted in a different fashion. best_idx = sorted(range(len(temp)), key=temp.__getitem__) bestinclass.append([cls[b] for b in best_idx]) self.sortedclasses[dg] = bestinclass
[docs] def makeclassweights(self): """Make weights for all classes.""" self.classweights = {} em = self.ppe.error_method for dg in self.dgs: bestinclass = [cls[-1] for cls in self.sortedclasses[dg]] self.classweights[dg] = em.akaikeweights([self.aics[dg][b] for b in bestinclass])
[docs] def makeclassprobs(self): """Make probabilities for all classes.""" self.classprobs = {} em = self.ppe.error_method for dg in self.dgs: bestinclass = [cls[-1] for cls in self.sortedclasses[dg]] self.classprobs[dg] = em.akaikeprobs([self.aics[dg][b] for b in bestinclass])
[docs] def makesortedclassprobs(self): """Make probabilities for all classes in sorted order.""" self.sortedclassprobs = {} for dg in self.dgs: self.sortedclassprobs[dg] = np.argsort(self.classprobs[dg]).tolist()
[docs] def dg_key(self, dg_in): """Return the dg value usable as a key nearest to dg_in. Parameters ---------- dg_in : The uncertainties of the model Returns ------- float The dg value usable as a key nearest to dg_in.""" idx = (np.abs(self.dgs - dg_in)).argmin() return self.dgs[idx]
[docs] def bestclasses(self, dgs=None): """Return the best classes for all models. Parameters ---------- dgs : array-like, optional The uncertainties of the models, by default None Returns ------- array-like The best classes for all models.""" if dgs is None: dgs = self.dgs best = [] for dg in dgs: best.append(self.sortedclassprobs[dg][-1]) return np.unique(best)
[docs] def bestmodels(self, dgs=None): """Return the best models for all models. Parameters ---------- dgs : array-like, optional The uncertainties of the models, by default None Returns ------- array-like Sequence of best model """ if dgs is None: dgs = self.dgs best = [] for dg in dgs: bestclass_idx = self.sortedclassprobs[dg][-1] best.append(self.sortedclasses[dg][bestclass_idx][-1]) return np.unique(best)
[docs] def classbestdgs(self, cls, dgs=None): """Return the best uncertainties for the models. Parameters ---------- cls : ModelEvaluator Class Override corder with a specific class index, or None to ignore classes entirely. dgs : array-like, optional The uncertainties of the models, by default None Returns ------- array-like Sequence of best uncertainties for the models.""" if dgs is None: dgs = self.dgs bestdgs = [] for dg in self.dgs: if self.sortedclassprobs[dg][-1] == cls: bestdgs.append(dg) return bestdgs
[docs] def modelbestdgs(self, model, dgs=None): """Return uncertainties where given model has greatest Akaike probability. Parameters ---------- model : ModelEvaluator Class The model evaluator class to use dgs : array-like, optional The uncertainties of the models, by default None Returns ------- array-like The uncertainties where given model has greatest Akaike probability """ if dgs is None: dgs = self.dgs bestdgs = [] cls = self.classes_idx[model] bestclassdgs = self.classbestdgs(cls, dgs) for dg in bestclassdgs: if self.sortedclasses[dg][cls][-1] == model: bestdgs.append(dg) return bestdgs
[docs] def plot3dclassprobs(self, **kwds): """Return 3D plot of class probabilities. Keywords -------- dGs - Sequence of dG values to plot. Default is all values. highlight - Sequence of dG values to highlight on plot. Default is []. classes - Sequence of indices of classes to plot. Default is all classes. probfilter - [float1, float2]. Only show classes with maximum probability in given range. Default is [0., 1.] class_size - Report the size of each class as a "number" or "fraction". Default is "number". norm - A colors normalization for displaying number/fraction of models in class. Default is "auto". If equal to "full" determined by the total number of models. If equal to "auto" determined by the number of models in displayed classes. cmap - A colormap or registered colormap name. Default is cm.jet. If class_size is "number" and norm is either "auto" or "full" the map is converted to an indexed colormap. highlight_cmap - A colormap or registered colormap name for coloring highlights. Default is cm.gray. title - True, False, or a string. Defaults to True, which displays some basic information about the graph. p_alpha - Probability graph alpha. (Colorbar remains opaque). Default is 0.7. figure - A matplotlib.figure.Figure instance. Default is the current figure. subplot - Specify a subplot. Default is 111. cbpos - Explicit position for colorbar given as (l,b,w,h) in axes coordinates. Does not resize other elements. Note that this overrides all colorbar keywords except orientation. scale - Scales the dG shown on the graph. All other keywords are passed to the colorbar. Returns ------- a dictionary containing the following figure elements: "fig" - The figure "axis" - The image axis "cbaxis" - The colorbar axis, if it exists. "cb" - The colorbar, if it exists.""" from matplotlib import cm, colorbar, colors from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection fig = kwds.pop("figure", plt.gcf()) ax = fig.add_subplot(kwds.pop("subplot", 111), projection="3d") kwds.copy() # Resolve keywords (title resolved later) dGs = kwds.pop("dGs", self.dgs) highlight = kwds.pop("highlight", []) classes = kwds.pop("classes", range(len(self.classes))) probfilter = kwds.pop("probfilter", [0.0, 1.0]) class_size = kwds.pop("class_size", "number") norm = kwds.pop("norm", "auto") cmap = kwds.pop("cmap", cm.get_cmap("jet")) highlight_cmap = kwds.pop("highlight_cmap", cm.get_cmap("gray")) title = kwds.pop("title", True) p_alpha = kwds.pop("p_alpha", 0.7) scale = kwds.pop("scale", 1.0) xs = dGs * scale verts = [] zs = [] zlabels = [] for i in classes: ys = [self.classprobs[dG][i] for dG in dGs] maxys = np.max(ys) if maxys >= probfilter[0] and maxys <= probfilter[1]: p0, p1 = ((xs[0], 0), (xs[-1], 0)) # points to close the vertices verts.append(np.concatenate([[p0], zip(xs, ys), [p1], [p0]])) zlabels.append(i) # Define face colors fc = np.array([len(self.classes[z]) for z in zlabels]) if class_size == "fraction": fc = fc / float(len(self.results)) # Index the colormap if necessary if class_size == "number": if norm == "auto": indexedcolors = cmap(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, np.max(fc))) cmap = colors.ListedColormap(indexedcolors) elif norm == "full": indexedcolors = cmap(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, len(self.results))) cmap = colors.ListedColormap(indexedcolors) # A user-specified norm cannot be used to index a colormap. # Create proper norms for "auto" and "full" types. if norm == "auto": if class_size == "number": mic = np.min(fc) mac = np.max(fc) nc = mac - mic + 1 norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(np.linspace(mic, mac + 1, nc + 1), nc) if class_size == "fraction": norm = colors.Normalize() norm.autoscale(fc) elif norm == "full": mcolor = len(self.results) if class_size == "number": norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(np.linspace(0, mcolor + 1, mcolor + 2), mcolor + 1) if class_size == "fraction": norm = colors.Normalize(0.0, 1.0) zs = np.arange(len(zlabels)) poly = PolyCollection(verts, facecolors=cmap(norm(fc)), closed=False) poly.set_alpha(p_alpha) ax.add_collection3d(poly, zs=zs, zdir="y") # Highlight values of interest color_idx = np.linspace(0, 1, len(highlight)) for dG, ci in zip(highlight, color_idx): for z_logical, z_plot in zip(zlabels, zs): ax.plot( [dG, dG], [z_plot, z_plot], [0, self.classprobs[dG][z_logical]], color=highlight_cmap(ci), alpha=p_alpha, ) ax.set_xlabel("dG") ax.set_xlim3d(dGs[0] * scale, dGs[-1] * scale) ax.set_ylabel("Class") ax.set_ylim3d(zs[0], zs[-1]) ax.set_yticks(zs) ax.set_yticklabels([str(z) for z in zlabels]) ax.set_zlabel("Akaike probability") ax.set_zlim3d(0, 1) if title is True: title = ( "Class probabilities\n\ Max probabilities in %s\n\ %i/%i classes with %i/%i models displayed" % ( probfilter, len(zs), len(self.classes), np.sum([len(self.classes[z]) for z in zlabels]), len(self.results), ) ) if title is not False: fig.suptitle(title) # Add colorbar if "cbpos" in kwds: cbpos = kwds.pop("cbpos") plt.tight_layout() # do it before cbaxis, so colorbar is ignored. transAtoF = ax.transAxes + fig.transFigure.inverted() rect = transforms.Bbox.from_bounds(*cbpos).transformed(transAtoF).bounds cbaxis = fig.add_axes(rect) # Remove all colorbar.make_axes keywords except orientation kwds = eatkwds("fraction", "pad", "shrink", "aspect", "anchor", "panchor", **kwds) else: kwds.setdefault("shrink", 0.75) # In matplotlib 1.1.0 make_axes_gridspec ignores anchor and panchor keywords. # Eat these keywords for now. kwds = eatkwds("anchor", "panchor", **kwds) cbaxis, kwds = colorbar.make_axes_gridspec(ax, **kwds) # gridspec allows tight_layout plt.tight_layout() # do it after cbaxis, so colorbar isn't ignored cb = colorbar.ColorbarBase(cbaxis, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwds) if class_size == "number": cb.set_label("Models in class") elif class_size == "fraction": cb.set_label("Fraction of models in class") return {"fig": fig, "axis": ax, "cb": cb, "cbaxis": cbaxis}
[docs] def get_model(self, dG, **kwds): """Return index of best model of best class at given dG. Parameters ---------- dG : array-like The uncertainty used to calculate probabilities Keywords -------- corder - Which class to get based on AIC. Ordered from best to worst from 0 (the default). morder - Which model to get based on AIC. Ordered from best to worst from 0 (the default). Returns a model from a class, or from the collection of all models if classes are ignored. cls - Override corder with a specific class index, or None to ignore classes entirely. Returns ------- int Index of best model of best class at given dG. """ corder = kwds.pop("corder", 0) morder = kwds.pop("morder", 0) if "cls" in kwds: cls = kwds["cls"] else: cls = self.get_class(dG, corder=corder) if cls is None: return self.sortedprobs[dG][-1 - morder] else: return self.sortedclasses[dG][cls][-1 - morder]
[docs] def get_class(self, dG, **kwds): """Return index of best class at given dG. Parameters ---------- dG : array-like The uncertainty used to calculate probabilities Keywords -------- corder - Which class to get based on AIC. Ordered from best to worst from 0 (the default). Returns ------- int Index of best model of best class at given dG. """ corder = kwds.pop("corder", 0) return self.sortedclassprobs[dG][-1 - corder] # index of corderth best class
[docs] def get_prob(self, dG, **kwds): """Return Akaike probability of best model of best class at given dG. Parameters ---------- dG : array-like The uncertainty used to calculate probabilities Keywords -------- corder - Which class to get based on AIC. Ordered from best to worst from 0 (the default). morder - Which model to get based on AIC. Ordered from best to worst from 0 (the default). Returns a model from a class, or from the collection of all models if classes are ignored. cls - Override corder with a specific class index, or None to ignore classes entirely. Returns ------- array-like The sequence of Akaike probability of best model of best class at given dG. """ idx = self.get_model(dG, **kwds) if "cls" in kwds and kwds["cls"] is None: return self.aicprobs[dG][idx] else: cls_idx = self.classes_idx[idx] return self.classprobs[dG][cls_idx]
[docs] def get_nfree(self, dG, **kwds): """Return number of free parameters of best model of best class at given dG. Parameters ---------- dG : array-like The uncertainty used to calculate probabilities Keywords -------- corder - Which class to get based on AIC. Ordered from best to worst from 0 (the default). morder - Which model to get based on AIC. Ordered from best to worst from 0 (the default). Returns a model from a class, or from the collection of all models if classes are ignored. cls - Override corder with a specific class index, or None to ignore classes entirely. Returns ------- int Number of free parameters of best model of best class at given dG. """ idx = self.get_model(dG, **kwds) model = self.results[idx][1] baseline = self.results[idx][2] return model.npars(count_fixed=False) + baseline.npars(count_fixed=False)
[docs] def get_aic(self, dG, **kwds): """Return number of free parameters of best model of best class at given dG. Parameters ---------- dG : array-like The uncertainty used to calculate probabilities Keywords -------- corder - Which class to get based on AIC. Ordered from best to worst from 0 (the default). morder - Which model to get based on AIC. Ordered from best to worst from 0 (the default). Returns a model from a class, or from the collection of all models if classes are ignored. cls - Override corder with a specific class index, or None to ignore classes entirely. Returns ------- int Number of free parameters of best model of best class at given dG. """ idx = self.get_model(dG, **kwds) return self.aics[dG][idx].stat
[docs] def get(self, dG, *args, **kwds): """Return tuple of values corresponding to string arguments for best model of best class at given dG. Parameters ---------- dG : array-like The uncertainty used to calculate probabilities Permissible arguments: "aic", "class", "dG", "model", "nfree", "prob" ("dG" simply returns the provided dG value) Keywords -------- corder - Which class to get based on AIC. Ordered from best to worst from 0 (the default). morder - Which model to get based on AIC. Ordered from best to worst from 0 (the default). Returns a model from a class, or from the collection of all models if classes are ignored. cls - Override corder with a specific class index, or None to ignore classes entirely. Returns ------- tuple The values corresponding to string arguments for best model of best class at given dG. """ fdict = { "aic": self.get_aic, "class": self.get_class, "dg": lambda x: x, "model": self.get_model, "nfree": self.get_nfree, "prob": self.get_prob, } values = [] for a in args: values.append(fdict[a].__call__(dG, **kwds)) return tuple(values)
[docs] def maxprobdG_byclass(self, model): """Return the post-hoc dG for which the given model's Akaike probability is maximized. Each model is mapped to its class' best member. Parameters ---------- model : array-like The model to get the post-hoc dG. Returns ------- array-like The post-hoc dG for the given model where the given model's Akaike probability is maximized. """ cls = self.classes_idx[model] probs = [self.classprobs[dg][cls] for dg in self.dgs] prob_idx = np.argmax(probs) return self.dgs[prob_idx]
[docs] def maxprobdG_bymodel(self, model): """Return the post-hoc dG for which the given model's Akaike probability is maximized. Classes are not considered. Parameters ---------- model : array-like The model to get the post-hoc dG. Returns ------- array-like The post-hoc dG by the given model's Akaike probability is maximize """ probs = [self.aicprobs[dg][model] for dg in self.dgs] prob_idx = np.argmax(probs) return self.dgs[prob_idx]
[docs] def maxprobmodel_byclass(self, dG): """Calculate the model which maximizes probability at given dG. The best class is mapped to its best model. Parameters ---------- dG : array-like The uncertainty used to calculate probabilities Returns ------- float The model mapped by class which maximizes probability at given dG.""" cls = self.sortedclassprobs[dG][-1] m = self.sortedclasses[dG][cls][-1] return m
[docs] def maxprobmodel_bymodel(self, dG): """Return the model which maximizes probability at given dG. Classes are not considered. Parameters ---------- dG : array-like The uncertainty used to calculate probabilities Returns ------- model : array-like The model which maximizes probability at given dG.""" # Note that if there are identical models this returns the one of greatest dg. return self.sortedprobs[dG][-1]