Source code for diffpy.srmise.peakstability

#!/usr/bin/env python
# SrMise            by Luke Granlund
#                   (c) 2014 trustees of the Michigan State University
#                   (c) 2024 trustees of Columia University in the City of New York
#                   All rights reserved.
# File coded by:    Luke Granlund
# See LICENSE.txt for license information.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from diffpy.srmise.modelcluster import ModelCluster
from diffpy.srmise.pdfpeakextraction import PDFPeakExtraction

# This is a total hack-job right now, and isn't suitable for
# general use. Limitations include:
# 1) Only works with PDFPeakExtraction, not PeakExtraction
# 2) Only constant uncertainties are supported
# 3) Not using srmiselog
# 4) Really ugly kluge to allow FromSequence to pickle.
[docs] class PeakStability: """Utility to test robustness of peaks. results: [error scalar, model, bl, dr] ppe: a PDFPeakExtraction instance""" def __init__(self): self.results = [] self.ppe = None self.current = None
[docs] def setppe(self, ppe): self.ppe = ppe
[docs] def load(self, filename): try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle in_s = open(filename, "rb") try: (self.results, ppestr) = pickle.load(in_s) self.ppe = PDFPeakExtraction() self.ppe.readstr(ppestr) # Ugly kluge for the baseline, since FromSequence # can't pickle. for r in self.results: bl = self.ppe.baseline kwds = r[2] if r[2] is not None: kwds = r[2] if hasattr(bl, "estimate_parameters"): r[2] = bl.actualize(default_input="internal", **kwds) else: r[2] = bl.owner().actualize(in_format="internal", **kwds) finally: in_s.close() self.setcurrent(0)
[docs] def save(self, filename): try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle out_s = open(filename, "wb") try: # Write to the stream outstr = self.ppe.writestr() # ugly kluge to let FromSequence pickle # (it stores xyrepr() in metadict) results2 = [] for r in self.results: if r[2] is None: bldict = None else: bldict = { "pars": r[2].pars, "free": r[2].free, "removable": r[2].removable, "static_owner": r[2].static_owner, } results2.append([r[0], r[1], bldict, r[3]]) pickle.dump([results2, outstr], out_s) finally: out_s.close()
[docs] def plotseries(self, style="o", **kwds): plt.figure() plt.ioff() for e, r, bl, dr in self.results: peakpos = [p["position"] for p in r] es = [e] * len(peakpos) plt.plot(peakpos, es, style, **kwds) plt.ion() plt.draw()
[docs] def plot(self, **kwds): """Plot the current model. Keywords passed to pyplot.plot()""" plt.clf() plt.plot(*self.ppe.extracted.plottable(), **kwds) q = self.ppe.extracted.quality() plt.suptitle( "[%i/%i]\n" "Uncertainty: %6.3f. Peaks: %i.\n" "Quality: %6.3f. Chi-square: %6.3f" % ( self.current + 1, len(self.results), self.ppe.effective_dy[0], len(self.ppe.extracted.model), q.stat, q.chisq, ) )
[docs] def setcurrent(self, idx): """Make the idxth model the active one. Parameters ---------- idx : int The index of the model to be tested. Returns ------- None """ self.current = idx if idx is not None: result = self.results[idx] self.ppe.setvars(quiet=True, effective_dy=result[0] * np.ones(len(self.ppe.x))) (r, y, dr, dy) = self.ppe.resampledata(result[3]) self.ppe.extracted = ModelCluster( result[1], result[2], r, y, dy, None, self.ppe.error_method, ) else: self.ppe.clearcalc()
[docs] def animate(self, results=None, step=False, **kwds): """Show animation of extracted peaks from first to last. Keywords passed to pyplot.plot() Parameters ---------- step : bool Require keypress to show next plot results array-like The indices of results to show """ if results is None: results = range(len(self.results)) oldcurrent = self.current self.setcurrent(0) plt.ion() plt.plot(*self.ppe.extracted.plottable()) plt.axis() for i in results: self.setcurrent(i) plt.ioff() self.plot(**kwds) plt.ion() plt.draw() if step: input() self.setcurrent(oldcurrent)
[docs] def run(self, err, savecovs=False): """Running the uncertainty for the results. Parameters ---------- err : array-like The sequence of uncertainties to run at. savecovs : bool boolean to determine to save covariance matrix. Default is False. If savecovs is True, return the covariance matrix for each final fit.""" self.results = [] covs = [] for i, e in enumerate(err): print("---- Running for uncertainty %s (%i/%i) ----" % (e, i, len(err))) self.ppe.clearcalc() self.ppe.setvars(effective_dy=e) if savecovs: covs.append(self.ppe.extract()) else: self.ppe.extract() dr = (self.ppe.extracted.r_cluster[-1] - self.ppe.extracted.r_cluster[0]) / ( len(self.ppe.extracted.r_cluster) - 1 ) self.results.append([e, self.ppe.extracted.model, self.ppe.extracted.baseline, dr]) for e, r, bl, dr in self.results: print("---- Results for uncertainty %s ----" % e) print(r) return covs