Source code for diffpy.structure.lattice

#!/usr/bin/env python
# diffpy.structure  by DANSE Diffraction group
#                   Simon J. L. Billinge
#                   (c) 2008 trustees of the Michigan State University.
#                   All rights reserved.
# File coded by:    Pavol Juhas
# See AUTHORS.txt for a list of people who contributed.
# See LICENSE_DANSE.txt for license information.

"""Class Lattice stores properties and provides simple operations in lattice
coordinate system.

cartesian : Lattice
    Constant instance of Lattice, default Cartesian system.

import math

import numpy
import numpy.linalg as numalg

from diffpy.structure.structureerrors import LatticeError

# Helper Functions -----------------------------------------------------------

# exact values of cosd
_EXACT_COSD = {0.0: +1.0, 60.0: +0.5, 90.0: 0.0, 120.0: -0.5, 180.0: -1.0, 240.0: -0.5, 270.0: 0.0, 300.0: +0.5}

[docs] def cosd(x): """Return the cosine of *x* (measured in degrees). Avoid round-off errors for exact cosine values. Parameters ---------- x : float The angle in degrees. Returns ------- float The cosine of the angle *x*. """ rv = _EXACT_COSD.get(x % 360.0) if rv is None: rv = math.cos(math.radians(x)) return rv
[docs] def sind(x): """Return the sine of *x* (measured in degrees). Avoid round-off errors for exact sine values. Parameters ---------- x : float The angle in degrees. Returns ------- float The sine of the angle *x*. """ return cosd(90.0 - x)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class Lattice(object): """General coordinate system and associated operations. Parameters ---------- a : float or Lattice, Optional The cell length *a*. When present, other cell parameters must be also specified. When of the *Lattice* type, create a duplicate Lattice. b : float The cell length *b*. c : float The cell length *c*. alpha : float The angle between the *b* and *c* axes in degrees. beta : float The angle between the *b* and *c* axes in degrees. gamma : float The angle between the *a* and *b* axes in degrees. baserot : array_like, Optional The 3x3 rotation matrix of the base vectors with respect to their standard setting. base : array_like, Optional The 3x3 array of row base vectors. This must be the only argument when present. Attributes ---------- metrics : numpy.ndarray The metrics tensor. base : numpy.ndarray The 3x3 matrix of row base vectors in Cartesian coordinates, which may be rotated, i.e., ``base = stdbase @ baserot``. stdbase : numpy.ndarray The 3x3 matrix of row base vectors in standard orientation. baserot : numpy.ndarray The rotation matrix for the `base`. recbase : numpy.ndarray The inverse of the `base` matrix, where the columns give reciprocal vectors in Cartesian coordinates. normbase : numpy.ndarray The `base` vectors scaled by magnitudes of reciprocal cell lengths. recnormbase : numpy.ndarray The inverse of the `normbase` matrix. isotropicunit : numpy.ndarray The 3x3 tensor for a unit isotropic displacement parameters in this coordinate system. This is an identity matrix when this Lattice is orthonormal. Note ---- The array attributes are read-only. They get updated by changing some lattice parameters or by calling the `setLatPar()` or `setLatBase()` methods. Examples -------- Create a Cartesian coordinate system: >>> Lattice() Create coordinate system with the cell lengths `a`, `b`, `c` and cell angles `alpha`, `beta`, `gamma` in degrees: >>> Lattice(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) Create a duplicate of an existing Lattice `lat`: >>> Lattice(lat) Create coordinate system with the base vectors given by rows of the `abc` matrix: >>> Lattice(base=abc) """ # round-off tolerance _epsilon = 1.0e-8 # properties ------------------------------------------------------------- a = property( lambda self: self._a, lambda self, value: self.setLatPar(a=value), doc="The unit cell length *a*." ) b = property( lambda self: self._b, lambda self, value: self.setLatPar(b=value), doc="The unit cell length *b*." ) c = property( lambda self: self._c, lambda self, value: self.setLatPar(c=value), doc="The unit cell length *c*." ) alpha = property( lambda self: self._alpha, lambda self, value: self.setLatPar(alpha=value), doc="The cell angle *alpha* in degrees.", ) beta = property( lambda self: self._beta, lambda self, value: self.setLatPar(beta=value), doc="The cell angle *beta* in degrees.", ) gamma = property( lambda self: self._gamma, lambda self, value: self.setLatPar(gamma=value), doc="The cell angle *gamma* in degrees.", ) # read-only derived properties @property def unitvolume(self): """The unit cell volume when `a = b = c = 1`.""" # Recalculate lattice cosines to ensure this is right # even if ca, cb, cg data were not yet updated. ca = cosd(self.alpha) cb = cosd(self.beta) cg = cosd(self.gamma) rv = math.sqrt(1.0 + 2.0 * ca * cb * cg - ca * ca - cb * cb - cg * cg) return rv volume = property(lambda self: self.a * self.b * self.c * self.unitvolume, doc="The unit cell volume.") ar = property(lambda self: self._ar, doc="The cell length *a* of the reciprocal lattice.") br = property(lambda self: self._br, doc="The cell length *b* of the reciprocal lattice.") cr = property(lambda self: self._cr, doc="The cell length *c* of the reciprocal lattice.") alphar = property(lambda self: self._alphar, doc="The reciprocal cell angle *alpha* in degrees.") betar = property(lambda self: self._betar, doc="The reciprocal cell angle *beta* in degrees") gammar = property(lambda self: self._gammar, doc="The reciprocal cell angle *gamma* in degrees") ca = property(lambda self: self._ca, doc="The cosine of the cell angle *alpha*.") cb = property(lambda self: self._cb, doc="The cosine of the cell angle *beta*.") cg = property(lambda self: self._cg, doc="The cosine of the cell angle *gamma*.") sa = property(lambda self: self._sa, doc="The sine of the cell angle *alpha*.") sb = property(lambda self: self._sb, doc="The sine of the cell angle *beta*.") sg = property(lambda self: self._sg, doc="The sine of the cell angle *gamma*.") car = property(lambda self: self._car, doc="The cosine of the reciprocal angle *alpha*.") cbr = property(lambda self: self._cbr, doc="The cosine of the reciprocal angle *beta*.") cgr = property(lambda self: self._cgr, doc="The cosine of the reciprocal angle *gamma*.") sar = property(lambda self: self._sar, doc="The sine of the reciprocal angle *alpha*.") sbr = property(lambda self: self._sbr, doc="The sine of the reciprocal angle *beta*.") sgr = property(lambda self: self._sgr, doc="The sine of the reciprocal angle *gamma*.") # done with properties --------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, a=None, b=None, c=None, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None, baserot=None, base=None): # build a set of provided argument names for later use. apairs = ( ("a", a), ("b", b), ("c", c), ("alpha", alpha), ("beta", beta), ("gamma", gamma), ("baserot", baserot), ("base", base), ) argset = set(n for n, v in apairs if v is not None) # initialize data members, they values will be set by setLatPar() self._a = self._b = self._c = None self._alpha = self._beta = self._gamma = None self._ca = self._cb = self._cg = None self._sa = self._sb = self._sg = None self._ar = self._br = self._cr = None self._alphar = self._betar = self._gammar = None self._car = self._cbr = self._cgr = None self._sar = self._sbr = self._sgr = None self.baserot = numpy.identity(3) self.base = self.recbase = None self.normbase = self.recnormbase = None # work out argument variants # Lattice() if not argset: self.setLatPar(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0, baserot) # Lattice(base=abc) elif base is not None: if len(argset) > 1: raise ValueError("'base' must be the only argument.") self.setLatBase(base) # Lattice(lat) elif isinstance(a, Lattice): if len(argset) > 1: raise ValueError("Lattice object must be the only argument.") self.__dict__.update(a.__dict__) # otherwise do default Lattice(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) else: abcabg = ("a", "b", "c", "alpha", "beta", "gamma") if not argset.issuperset(abcabg): raise ValueError("Provide all 6 cell parameters.") self.setLatPar(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, baserot=baserot) return
[docs] def setLatPar(self, a=None, b=None, c=None, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None, baserot=None): """Set one or more lattice parameters. This updates all attributes that depend on the lattice parameters. Parameters ---------- a : float, Optional The new value of the cell length *a*. b : float, Optional The new value of the cell length *b*. c : float, Optional The new value of the cell length *c*. alpha : float, Optional The new value of the cell angle *alpha* in degrees. beta : float, Optional The new value of the cell angle *beta* in degrees. gamma : float, Optional The new value of the cell angle *gamma* in degrees. baserot : array_like, Optional The new 3x3 rotation matrix of the base vectors with respect to their standard setting in Cartesian coordinates. Note ---- Parameters that are not specified will keep their initial values. """ if a is not None: self._a = float(a) if b is not None: self._b = float(b) if c is not None: self._c = float(c) if alpha is not None: self._alpha = float(alpha) if beta is not None: self._beta = float(beta) if gamma is not None: self._gamma = float(gamma) if baserot is not None: self.baserot = numpy.array(baserot) self._ca = ca = cosd(self.alpha) self._cb = cb = cosd(self.beta) self._cg = cg = cosd(self.gamma) self._sa = sa = sind(self.alpha) self._sb = sb = sind(self.beta) self._sg = sg = sind(self.gamma) # cache the unit volume value Vunit = self.unitvolume # reciprocal lattice self._ar = ar = sa / (self.a * Vunit) self._br = br = sb / (self.b * Vunit) self._cr = cr = sg / (self.c * Vunit) self._car = car = (cb * cg - ca) / (sb * sg) self._cbr = cbr = (ca * cg - cb) / (sa * sg) self._cgr = cgr = (ca * cb - cg) / (sa * sb) self._sar = math.sqrt(1.0 - car * car) self._sbr = math.sqrt(1.0 - cbr * cbr) self._sgr = sgr = math.sqrt(1.0 - cgr * cgr) self._alphar = math.degrees(math.acos(car)) self._betar = math.degrees(math.acos(cbr)) self._gammar = math.degrees(math.acos(cgr)) # metrics tensor self.metrics = numpy.array( [ [self.a * self.a, self.a * self.b * cg, self.a * self.c * cb], [self.b * self.a * cg, self.b * self.b, self.b * self.c * ca], [self.c * self.a * cb, self.c * self.b * ca, self.c * self.c], ], dtype=float, ) # standard Cartesian coordinates of lattice vectors self.stdbase = numpy.array( [[1.0 / ar, -cgr / sgr / ar, cb * self.a], [0.0, self.b * sa, self.b * ca], [0.0, 0.0, self.c]], dtype=float, ) # Cartesian coordinates of lattice vectors self.base =, self.baserot) self.recbase = numalg.inv(self.base) # bases normalized to unit reciprocal vectors self.normbase = self.base * [[ar], [br], [cr]] self.recnormbase = self.recbase / [ar, br, cr] self.isotropicunit = _isotropicunit(self.recnormbase) return
[docs] def setLatBase(self, base): """Set new base vectors for this lattice. This updates the cell lengths and cell angles according to the new base. The `stdbase`, `baserot`, and `metrics` attributes are also updated. Parameters ---------- base : array_like The 3x3 matrix of row base vectors expressed in Cartesian coordinates. """ self.base = numpy.array(base) detbase = numalg.det(self.base) if abs(detbase) < 1.0e-8: emsg = "base vectors are degenerate" raise LatticeError(emsg) elif detbase < 0.0: emsg = "base is not right-handed" raise LatticeError(emsg) self._a = a = math.sqrt([0, :], self.base[0, :])) self._b = b = math.sqrt([1, :], self.base[1, :])) self._c = c = math.sqrt([2, :], self.base[2, :])) self._ca = ca =[1, :], self.base[2, :]) / (b * c) self._cb = cb =[0, :], self.base[2, :]) / (a * c) self._cg = cg =[0, :], self.base[1, :]) / (a * b) self._sa = sa = math.sqrt(1.0 - ca**2) self._sb = sb = math.sqrt(1.0 - cb**2) self._sg = sg = math.sqrt(1.0 - cg**2) self._alpha = math.degrees(math.acos(ca)) self._beta = math.degrees(math.acos(cb)) self._gamma = math.degrees(math.acos(cg)) # cache the unit volume value Vunit = self.unitvolume # reciprocal lattice self._ar = ar = sa / (self.a * Vunit) self._br = br = sb / (self.b * Vunit) self._cr = cr = sg / (self.c * Vunit) self._car = car = (cb * cg - ca) / (sb * sg) self._cbr = cbr = (ca * cg - cb) / (sa * sg) self._cgr = cgr = (ca * cb - cg) / (sa * sb) self._sar = math.sqrt(1.0 - car**2) self._sbr = math.sqrt(1.0 - cbr**2) self._sgr = sgr = math.sqrt(1.0 - cgr**2) self._alphar = math.degrees(math.acos(car)) self._betar = math.degrees(math.acos(cbr)) self._gammar = math.degrees(math.acos(cgr)) # standard orientation of lattice vectors self.stdbase = numpy.array( [[1.0 / ar, -cgr / sgr / ar, cb * a], [0.0, b * sa, b * ca], [0.0, 0.0, c]], dtype=float ) # calculate unit cell rotation matrix, base = stdbase @ baserot self.baserot =, self.base) self.recbase = numalg.inv(self.base) # bases normalized to unit reciprocal vectors self.normbase = self.base * [[ar], [br], [cr]] self.recnormbase = self.recbase / [ar, br, cr] self.isotropicunit = _isotropicunit(self.recnormbase) # update metrics tensor self.metrics = numpy.array( [[a * a, a * b * cg, a * c * cb], [b * a * cg, b * b, b * c * ca], [c * a * cb, c * b * ca, c * c]], dtype=float, ) return
[docs] def abcABG(self): """Return the cell parameters in the standard setting. Returns ------- tuple : A tuple of ``(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma)``. """ rv = (self.a, self.b, self.c, self.alpha, self.beta, self.gamma) return rv
[docs] def reciprocal(self): """Return the reciprocal lattice of the current lattice. Returns ------- Lattice The reciprocal lattice of the current lattice. """ rv = Lattice(base=numpy.transpose(self.recbase)) return rv
[docs] def cartesian(self, u): """Transform lattice vector to Cartesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- u : array_like Vector of lattice coordinates or an Nx3 array of lattice vectors. Returns ------- rc : numpy.ndarray Cartesian coordinates of the *u* vector. """ rc =, self.base) return rc
[docs] def fractional(self, rc): """Transform Cartesian vector to fractional lattice coordinates. Parameters ---------- rc : array_like A vector of Cartesian coordinates or an Nx3 array of Cartesian vectors. Returns ------- u : numpy.ndarray Fractional coordinates of the Cartesian vector *rc*. """ u =, self.recbase) return u
[docs] def dot(self, u, v): """Calculate dot product of 2 lattice vectors. Parameters ---------- u : array_like The first lattice vector or an Nx3 array. v : array_like The second lattice vector or an array of the same shape as *u*. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray The dot product of lattice vectors *u*, *v*. """ dp = (u *, self.metrics)).sum(axis=-1) return dp
[docs] def norm(self, xyz): """Calculate norm of a lattice vector. Parameters ---------- xyz : array_like A vector or an Nx3 array of fractional coordinates. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray The magnitude of the lattice vector *xyz*. """ # this is a few percent faster than sqrt(dot(u, u)). return numpy.sqrt((self.cartesian(xyz) ** 2).sum(axis=-1))
[docs] def rnorm(self, hkl): """Calculate norm of a reciprocal vector. Parameters ---------- hkl : array_like A vector or an Nx3 array of reciprocal coordinates. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray The magnitude of the reciprocal vector *hkl*. """ hklcartn =, self.recbase.T) return numpy.sqrt((hklcartn**2).sum(axis=-1))
[docs] def dist(self, u, v): """Calculate distance between 2 points in lattice coordinates. Parameters ---------- u : array_like A vector or an Nx3 matrix of fractional coordinates. v : numpy.ndarray A vector or an Nx3 matrix of fractional coordinates. Note ---- *u* and *v* must be of the same shape when matrices. Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray The distance between lattice points *u* and *v*. """ duv = numpy.asarray(u) - v return self.norm(duv)
[docs] def angle(self, u, v): """Calculate angle between 2 lattice vectors in degrees. Parameters ---------- u : array_like The first lattice vector. v : array_like The second lattice vector. Returns ------- float The angle between lattice vectors *u* and *v* in degrees. """ ca =, v) / (self.norm(u) * self.norm(v)) # avoid round-off errors that would make abs(ca) greater than 1 if numpy.isscalar(ca): ca = max(min(ca, 1), -1) rv = math.degrees(math.acos(ca)) else: ca[ca < -1] = -1 ca[ca > +1] = +1 rv = numpy.degrees(numpy.arccos(ca)) return rv
[docs] def isanisotropic(self, umx): """True if displacement parameter matrix is anisotropic. This checks if the specified matrix of anisotropic displacement parameters (ADP) differs from isotropic values for this lattice by more than a small round-off error. Parameters ---------- umx : array_like The 3x3 matrix of displacement parameters. Returns ------- bool True when *umx* is anisotropic by more than a round-off error. """ umx = numpy.asarray(umx) utr = numpy.trace(umx) / umx.shape[0] udmax = numpy.fabs(umx - utr * self.isotropicunit).max() rv = udmax > self._epsilon return rv
def __repr__(self): """String representation of this lattice.""" I3 = numpy.identity(3, dtype=float) rotbaseI3diff = max(numpy.reshape(numpy.fabs(self.baserot - I3), 9)) cartlatpar = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]) latpardiff = cartlatpar - self.abcABG() if rotbaseI3diff > self._epsilon: s = "Lattice(base=%r)" % self.base elif numpy.fabs(latpardiff).max() < self._epsilon: s = "Lattice()" else: s = "Lattice(a=%g, b=%g, c=%g, alpha=%g, beta=%g, gamma=%g)" % self.abcABG() return s
# End of class Lattice # Local Helpers -------------------------------------------------------------- def _isotropicunit(recnormbase): """Calculate tensor of unit isotropic displacement parameters. Parameters ---------- recnormbase : numpy.ndarray The inverse of normalized base vectors of some lattice. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The 3x3 matrix of displacement parameters corresponding to a unit isotropic displacements. """ isounit =, recnormbase) # ensure there are no round-off deviations on the diagonal isounit[0, 0] = 1 isounit[1, 1] = 1 isounit[2, 2] = 1 return isounit # Module Constants ----------------------------------------------------------- cartesian = Lattice()