#!/usr/bin/env python
# diffpy.structure by DANSE Diffraction group
# Simon J. L. Billinge
# (c) 2007 trustees of the Michigan State University.
# All rights reserved.
# File coded by: Pavol Juhas
# See AUTHORS.txt for a list of people who contributed.
# See LICENSE_DANSE.txt for license information.
"""Parser for PDFfit structure format
import sys
from functools import reduce
import numpy
from diffpy.structure import Lattice, PDFFitStructure
from diffpy.structure.parsers import StructureParser
from diffpy.structure.structureerrors import StructureFormatError
class P_pdffit(StructureParser):
"""Parser for PDFfit structure format.
format : str
Format name, default "pdffit".
ignored_lines : list
List of lines ignored during parsing.
stru : PDFFitStructure
Structure instance used for cif input or output.
def __init__(self):
self.format = "pdffit"
self.ignored_lines = []
self.stru = None
def parseLines(self, lines):
"""Parse list of lines in PDFfit format.
lines : list of str
List of lines in PDB format.
Parsed structure instance.
File not in PDFfit format.
p_nl = 0
self.stru = PDFFitStructure()
stru = self.stru
cell_line_read = False
stop = len(lines)
while stop > 0 and lines[stop - 1].strip() == "":
stop -= 1
ilines = iter(lines[:stop])
# read header of PDFFit file
for line in ilines:
p_nl += 1
words = line.split()
if len(words) == 0 or words[0][0] == "#":
elif words[0] == "title":
stru.title = line.lstrip()[5:].strip()
elif words[0] == "scale":
stru.pdffit["scale"] = float(words[1])
elif words[0] == "sharp":
l1 = line.replace(",", " ")
sharp_pars = [float(w) for w in l1.split()[1:]]
if len(sharp_pars) < 4:
stru.pdffit["delta2"] = sharp_pars[0]
stru.pdffit["sratio"] = sharp_pars[1]
stru.pdffit["rcut"] = sharp_pars[2]
stru.pdffit["delta2"] = sharp_pars[0]
stru.pdffit["delta1"] = sharp_pars[1]
stru.pdffit["sratio"] = sharp_pars[2]
stru.pdffit["rcut"] = sharp_pars[3]
elif words[0] == "spcgr":
key = "spcgr"
start = line.find(key) + len(key)
value = line[start:].strip()
stru.pdffit["spcgr"] = value
elif words[0] == "shape":
elif words[0] == "cell":
cell_line_read = True
l1 = line.replace(",", " ")
latpars = [float(w) for w in l1.split()[1:7]]
stru.lattice = Lattice(*latpars)
elif words[0] == "dcell":
l1 = line.replace(",", " ")
stru.pdffit["dcell"] = [float(w) for w in l1.split()[1:7]]
elif words[0] == "ncell":
l1 = line.replace(",", " ")
stru.pdffit["ncell"] = [int(w) for w in l1.split()[1:5]]
elif words[0] == "format":
if words[1] != "pdffit":
emsg = "%d: file is not in PDFfit format" % p_nl
raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
elif words[0] == "atoms" and cell_line_read:
# Header reading finished, check if required lines were present.
if not cell_line_read:
emsg = "%d: file is not in PDFfit format" % p_nl
raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
# Load data from atom entries.
p_natoms = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, stru.pdffit["ncell"])
# we are now inside data block
for line in ilines:
p_nl += 1
wl1 = line.split()
element = wl1[0][0].upper() + wl1[0][1:].lower()
xyz = [float(w) for w in wl1[1:4]]
occ = float(wl1[4])
stru.addNewAtom(element, xyz=xyz, occupancy=occ)
a = stru.getLastAtom()
p_nl += 1
wl2 = next(ilines).split()
a.sigxyz = [float(w) for w in wl2[0:3]]
a.sigo = float(wl2[3])
p_nl += 1
wl3 = next(ilines).split()
p_nl += 1
wl4 = next(ilines).split()
p_nl += 1
wl5 = next(ilines).split()
p_nl += 1
wl6 = next(ilines).split()
U = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype=float)
sigU = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype=float)
U[0, 0] = float(wl3[0])
U[1, 1] = float(wl3[1])
U[2, 2] = float(wl3[2])
sigU[0, 0] = float(wl4[0])
sigU[1, 1] = float(wl4[1])
sigU[2, 2] = float(wl4[2])
U[0, 1] = U[1, 0] = float(wl5[0])
U[0, 2] = U[2, 0] = float(wl5[1])
U[1, 2] = U[2, 1] = float(wl5[2])
sigU[0, 1] = sigU[1, 0] = float(wl6[0])
sigU[0, 2] = sigU[2, 0] = float(wl6[1])
sigU[1, 2] = sigU[2, 1] = float(wl6[2])
a.anisotropy = stru.lattice.isanisotropic(U)
a.U = U
a.sigU = sigU
if len(stru) != p_natoms:
emsg = "expected %d atoms, read %d" % (p_natoms, len(stru))
raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
if stru.pdffit["ncell"][:3] != [1, 1, 1]:
superlatpars = [latpars[i] * stru.pdffit["ncell"][i] for i in range(3)] + latpars[3:]
superlattice = Lattice(*superlatpars)
stru.pdffit["ncell"] = [1, 1, 1, p_natoms]
except (ValueError, IndexError):
emsg = "%d: file is not in PDFfit format" % p_nl
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
e = StructureFormatError(emsg)
raise e.with_traceback(exc_traceback)
return stru
def toLines(self, stru):
"""Convert `Structure` stru to a list of lines in PDFfit format.
stru : Structure
Structure to be converted.
list of str
List of lines in PDFfit format.
# build the stru_pdffit dictionary initialized from the defaults
# in PDFFitStructure
stru_pdffit = PDFFitStructure().pdffit
if stru.pdffit:
lines = []
# default values of standard deviations
d_sigxyz = numpy.zeros(3, dtype=float)
d_sigo = 0.0
d_sigU = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype=float)
# here we can start
line = "title " + stru.title
lines.append("format pdffit")
lines.append("scale %9.6f" % stru_pdffit["scale"])
"sharp %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f"
% (stru_pdffit["delta2"], stru_pdffit["delta1"], stru_pdffit["sratio"], stru_pdffit["rcut"])
lines.append("spcgr " + stru_pdffit["spcgr"])
if stru_pdffit.get("spdiameter", 0.0) > 0.0:
line = "shape sphere, %g" % stru_pdffit["spdiameter"]
if stru_pdffit.get("stepcut", 0.0) > 0.0:
line = "shape stepcut, %g" % stru_pdffit["stepcut"]
lat = stru.lattice
"cell %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f"
% (lat.a, lat.b, lat.c, lat.alpha, lat.beta, lat.gamma)
lines.append("dcell %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f" % tuple(stru_pdffit["dcell"]))
lines.append("ncell %9i, %9i, %9i, %9i" % (1, 1, 1, len(stru)))
for a in stru:
ad = a.__dict__
"%-4s %17.8f %17.8f %17.8f %12.4f" % (a.element.upper(), a.xyz[0], a.xyz[1], a.xyz[2], a.occupancy)
sigmas = numpy.concatenate((ad.get("sigxyz", d_sigxyz), [ad.get("sigo", d_sigo)]))
lines.append(" %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f %12.4f" % tuple(sigmas))
sigU = ad.get("sigU", d_sigU)
Uii = (a.U[0][0], a.U[1][1], a.U[2][2])
Uij = (a.U[0][1], a.U[0][2], a.U[1][2])
sigUii = (sigU[0][0], sigU[1][1], sigU[2][2])
sigUij = (sigU[0][1], sigU[0][2], sigU[1][2])
lines.append(" %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % Uii)
lines.append(" %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % sigUii)
lines.append(" %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % Uij)
lines.append(" %18.8f %17.8f %17.8f" % sigUij)
return lines
# Protected methods ------------------------------------------------------
def _parse_shape(self, line):
"""Process shape line from PDFfit file and update self.stru.
line : str
Line containing data for particle shape correction.
Invalid type of particle shape correction.
line_nocommas = line.replace(",", " ")
words = line_nocommas.split()
assert words[0] == "shape"
shapetype = words[1]
if shapetype == "sphere":
self.stru.pdffit["spdiameter"] = float(words[2])
elif shapetype == "stepcut":
self.stru.pdffit["stepcut"] = float(words[2])
emsg = "Invalid type of particle shape correction %r" % shapetype
raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
# End of class P_pdffit
# Routines -------------------------------------------------------------------
def getParser():
"""Return new `parser` object for PDFfit format.
Instance of `P_pdffit`.
return P_pdffit()