#!/usr/bin/env python
# diffpy.structure by DANSE Diffraction group
# Simon J. L. Billinge
# (c) 2006 trustees of the Michigan State University.
# All rights reserved.
# File coded by: Pavol Juhas
# See AUTHORS.txt for a list of people who contributed.
# See LICENSE_DANSE.txt for license information.
"""Symmetry utility functions such as expansion of asymmetric unit,
and generation of positional constraints.
epsilon : float
Default tolerance for equality of 2 positions, also
used for identification of special positions.
stdUsymbols : list
Standard symbols denoting elements of anisotropic thermal
displacement tensor.
import re
import sys
import numpy
from diffpy.structure.structureerrors import SymmetryError
# Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------
epsilon = 1.0e-5
stdUsymbols = ["U11", "U22", "U33", "U12", "U13", "U23"]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def isSpaceGroupLatPar(spacegroup, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma):
"""Check if space group allows passed lattice parameters.
spacegroup : SpaceGroup
Instance of `SpaceGroup`.
a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma : float
`Lattice` parameters.
``True`` when lattice parameters are allowed by space group.
Crystal system rules:
Benjamin, W. A., Introduction to crystallography, New York (1969), p.60.
# crystal system rules
# ref: Benjamin, W. A., Introduction to crystallography,
# New York (1969), p.60
def check_triclinic():
return True
def check_monoclinic():
rv = (alpha == gamma == 90) or (alpha == beta == 90)
return rv
def check_orthorhombic():
return alpha == beta == gamma == 90
def check_tetragonal():
return a == b and alpha == beta == gamma == 90
def check_trigonal():
rv = (a == b == c and alpha == beta == gamma) or (a == b and alpha == beta == 90 and gamma == 120)
return rv
def check_hexagonal():
return a == b and alpha == beta == 90 and gamma == 120
def check_cubic():
return a == b == c and alpha == beta == gamma == 90
crystal_system_rules = {
"TRICLINIC": check_triclinic,
"MONOCLINIC": check_monoclinic,
"ORTHORHOMBIC": check_orthorhombic,
"TETRAGONAL": check_tetragonal,
"TRIGONAL": check_trigonal,
"HEXAGONAL": check_hexagonal,
"CUBIC": check_cubic,
rule = crystal_system_rules[spacegroup.crystal_system]
return rule()
# Constant regular expression used in isconstantFormula().
# isconstantFormula runs faster when regular expression is not
# compiled per every single call.
_rx_constant_formula = re.compile(r"[-+]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)??(/[-+]?\d+)?$")
# Helper class intended for this module only:
class _Position2Tuple(object):
"""Create callable object that converts fractional coordinates to
a tuple of integers with given precision. For presision close to zero
it will return a tuples of double.
Helper class intended for local use only.
eps : float
Cutoff for equivalent coordinates.
eps : float
Cutoff for equivalent coordinates. When two coordiantes map to the
same tuple, they are closer than `eps`.
def __init__(self, eps=None):
if eps is None:
eps = epsilon
# ensure self.eps has exact machine representation
self.eps = eps + 1.0
self.eps = self.eps - 1.0
# no conversions for very small eps
if self.eps == 0.0 or 1.0 / self.eps > sys.maxsize:
self.eps = 0.0
def __call__(self, xyz):
"""Convert array of fractional coordinates to a tuple.
xyz : Iterable
Fractional coordinates.
Tuple of 3 float when `eps` is zero, otherwise tuple of 3 int.
# no conversion case
if self.eps == 0.0:
tpl = tuple(xyz % 1.0)
return tpl
# here we convert to integer
tpl = tuple([int((xi - numpy.floor(xi)) / self.eps) for xi in xyz])
return tpl
# End of class _Position2Tuple
def positionDifference(xyz0, xyz1):
"""Smallest difference between two coordinates in periodic lattice.
xyz0, xyz1 : array_like
Fractional coordinates.
dxyz : numpy.ndarray
Smallest difference between two coordinates in periodic lattice
with ``0 <= dxyz <= 0.5``.
dxyz = numpy.asarray(xyz0) - xyz1
# map differences to [0,0.5]
dxyz = dxyz - numpy.floor(dxyz)
mask = dxyz > 0.5
dxyz[mask] = 1.0 - dxyz[mask]
return dxyz
def nearestSiteIndex(sites, xyz):
"""Index of the nearest site to a specified position.
sites : array_like
List of coordinates.
xyz : array_like
Single position.
Index of the nearest site.
# we use box distance to be consistent with _Position2Tuple conversion
dbox = positionDifference(sites, xyz).max(axis=1)
nearindex = numpy.argmin(dbox)
return nearindex
def equalPositions(xyz0, xyz1, eps):
"""Equality of two coordinates with optional tolerance.
xyz0, xyz1 : array_like
Fractional coordinates.
eps : float
Tolerance for equality of coordinates.
``True`` when two coordinates are closer than `eps`.
# we use box distance to be consistent with _Position2Tuple conversion
dxyz = positionDifference(xyz0, xyz1)
return numpy.all(dxyz <= eps)
def expandPosition(spacegroup, xyz, sgoffset=[0, 0, 0], eps=None):
"""Obtain unique equivalent positions and corresponding operations.
spacegroup : SpaceGroup
Instance of SpaceGroup.
xyz : list
Position to be expanded.
sgoffset : list, Optional
Offset of space group origin ``[0, 0, 0]``. Default is ``[0, 0, 0]``.
eps : float, Optional
Cutoff for equal positions, default is ``1.0e-5``.
A tuple with ``(list of unique equivalent positions, nested
list of `SpaceGroups.SymOp` instances, site multiplicity)``.
sgoffset = numpy.asarray(sgoffset, dtype=float)
if eps is None:
eps = epsilon
pos2tuple = _Position2Tuple(eps)
positions = []
site_symops = {} # position tuples with [related symops]
for symop in spacegroup.iter_symops():
# operate on coordinates in non-shifted spacegroup
pos = symop(xyz + sgoffset) - sgoffset
mask = numpy.logical_or(pos < 0.0, pos >= 1.0)
pos[mask] -= numpy.floor(pos[mask])
tpl = pos2tuple(pos)
if tpl not in site_symops:
pos_is_new = True
site_symops[tpl] = []
# double check if there is any position nearby
if positions:
nearpos = positions[nearestSiteIndex(positions, pos)]
# is it an equivalent position?
if equalPositions(nearpos, pos, eps):
# tpl should map to the same list as nearpos
site_symops[tpl] = site_symops[pos2tuple(nearpos)]
pos_is_new = False
if pos_is_new:
# here tpl is inside site_symops
# pos_symops is nested list of symops associated with each position
pos_symops = [site_symops[pos2tuple(p)] for p in positions]
multiplicity = len(positions)
return positions, pos_symops, multiplicity
def nullSpace(A):
"""Null space of matrix A."""
from numpy import linalg
u, s, v = linalg.svd(A)
# s may have smaller dimension than v
vnrows = numpy.shape(v)[0]
mask = numpy.ones(vnrows, dtype=bool)
mask[s > epsilon] = False
null_space = numpy.compress(mask, v, axis=0)
return null_space
def _findInvariants(symops):
"""Find a list of symmetry operations which contains identity.
symops : list of SymOp
Nested list of `SymOp` instances.
List-item in symops which contains identity.
When identity is not found.
invrnts = None
R0 = numpy.identity(3, dtype=float)
t0 = numpy.zeros(3, dtype=float)
for ops in symops:
for op in ops:
if numpy.all(op.R == R0) and numpy.all(op.t == t0):
invrnts = ops
if invrnts:
if invrnts is None:
emsg = "Could not find identity operation."
raise ValueError(emsg)
return invrnts
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GeneratorSite(object):
"""Storage of data related to a generator positions.
spacegroup : SpaceGroup
Instance of `SpaceGroup`.
xyz : array_like
Generating site. When `xyz` is close to special
position `self.xyz` will be adjusted.
Uij : array_like, Optional
Thermal factors at generator site. Yields `self.Uij`
after adjusting to spacegroup symmetry. Default is zeros.
sgoffset : list, Optional
Offset of space group origin ``[0, 0, 0]``. Default is ``[0, 0, 0]``.
eps : float, Optional
Cutoff for equal positions. Default is ``1.0e-5``.
xyz : numpy.ndarray
Fractional coordinates of generator site.
Uij : numpy.ndarray
Anisotropic thermal displacement at generator site.
sgoffset : numpy.ndarray
Offset of space group origin ``[0, 0, 0]``.
eps : float
Cutoff for equal positions.
eqxyz : list
List of equivalent positions.
eqUij : list
List of displacement matrices at equivalent positions.
symops : list
Nested list of operations per each `eqxyz`.
multiplicity : int
Generator site multiplicity.
Uisotropy : bool
Bool flag for isotropic thermal factors.
invariants : list
List of invariant operations for generator site.
null_space : numpy.ndarray
Null space of all possible differences of invariant
rotational matrices, this is a base of symmetry
allowed shifts.
Uspace : numpy.ndarray
3D array of independent components of U matrices.
pparameters : list
List of ``(xyz symbol, value)`` pairs.
Uparameters : list
List of ``(U symbol, value)`` pairs.
Ucomponents = numpy.array(
[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]],
[[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]],
[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
[[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]],
[[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]],
[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]],
"""numpy.ndarray: 6x3x3 array of independent components of U matrices."""
idx2Usymbol = {0: "U11", 1: "U12", 2: "U13", 3: "U12", 4: "U22", 5: "U23", 6: "U13", 7: "U23", 8: "U33"}
"""dict: Mapping of index to standard U symbol."""
def __init__(self, spacegroup, xyz, Uij=numpy.zeros((3, 3)), sgoffset=[0, 0, 0], eps=None):
if eps is None:
eps = epsilon
# just declare the members
self.xyz = numpy.array(xyz, dtype=float)
self.Uij = numpy.array(Uij, dtype=float)
self.sgoffset = numpy.array(sgoffset, dtype=float)
self.eps = eps
self.eqxyz = []
self.eqUij = []
self.symops = None
self.multiplicity = None
self.Uisotropy = False
self.invariants = []
self.null_space = None
self.Uspace = None
self.pparameters = []
self.Uparameters = []
# fill in the values
sites, ops, mult = expandPosition(spacegroup, xyz, sgoffset, eps)
invariants = _findInvariants(ops)
# shift self.xyz exactly to the special position
if mult > 1:
xyzdups = numpy.array([op(xyz + self.sgoffset) - self.sgoffset for op in invariants])
dxyz = xyzdups - xyz
dxyz = numpy.mean(dxyz - dxyz.round(), axis=0)
# recalculate if needed
if numpy.any(dxyz != 0.0):
self.xyz = xyz + dxyz
self.xyz[numpy.fabs(self.xyz) < self.eps] = 0.0
sites, ops, mult = expandPosition(spacegroup, self.xyz, self.sgoffset, eps)
invariants = _findInvariants(ops)
# self.xyz, sites, ops are all adjusted here
self.eqxyz = sites
self.symops = ops
self.multiplicity = mult
self.invariants = invariants
def signedRatStr(self, x):
"""Convert floating point number to signed rational representation.
Possible fractional are multiples of 1/3, 1/6, 1/7, 1/9, if these
are not close, return `%+g` format.
x : float
Floating point number.
Signed rational representation of `x`.
s = "{:.8g}".format(x)
if len(s) < 6:
return "%+g" % x
den = numpy.array([3.0, 6.0, 7.0, 9.0])
nom = x * den
idx = numpy.where(numpy.fabs(nom - nom.round()) < self.eps)[0]
if idx.size == 0:
return "%+g" % x
# here we have fraction
return "%+.0f/%.0f" % (nom[idx[0]], den[idx[0]])
def _findNullSpace(self):
"""Calculate `self.null_space` from `self.invariants`.
Try to represent `self.null_space` using small integers.
R0 = self.invariants[0].R
Rdiff = [(symop.R - R0) for symop in self.invariants]
Rdiff = numpy.concatenate(Rdiff, axis=0)
self.null_space = nullSpace(Rdiff)
if self.null_space.size == 0:
# reverse sort rows of null_space rows by absolute value
key = tuple(numpy.fabs(numpy.transpose(self.null_space))[::-1])
order = numpy.lexsort(key)
self.null_space = self.null_space[order[::-1]]
# rationalize by the smallest element larger than cutoff
cutoff = 1.0 / 32
for row in self.null_space:
abrow = numpy.abs(row)
sgrow = numpy.sign(row)
# equalize items with round-off-equal absolute value
ii = abrow.argsort()
delta = 1e-8 * abrow[ii[-1]]
for k in ii[1:]:
if abrow[k] - abrow[k - 1] < delta:
abrow[k] = abrow[k - 1]
# find the smallest nonzero absolute element
jnz = numpy.flatnonzero(abrow > cutoff)
idx = jnz[abrow[jnz].argmin()]
row[:] = (sgrow * abrow) / sgrow[idx] / abrow[idx]
def _findPosParameters(self):
"""Find pparameters and their values for expressing `self.xyz`."""
usedsymbol = {}
# parameter values depend on offset of self.xyz
txyz = self.xyz
# define txyz such that most of its elements are zero
for nvec in self.null_space:
idx = numpy.where(numpy.fabs(nvec) >= epsilon)[0][0]
varvalue = txyz[idx] / nvec[idx]
txyz = txyz - varvalue * nvec
# determine standard parameter name
vname = [s for s in "xyz"[idx:] if s not in usedsymbol][0]
self.pparameters.append((vname, varvalue))
usedsymbol[vname] = True
def _findUSpace(self):
"""Find independent U components with respect to invariant
n = len(self.invariants)
R6zall = numpy.tile(-numpy.identity(6, dtype=float), (n, 1))
R6zall_iter = numpy.split(R6zall, n, axis=0)
i6kl = ((0, (0, 0)), (1, (1, 1)), (2, (2, 2)), (3, (0, 1)), (4, (0, 2)), (5, (1, 2)))
for op, R6z in zip(self.invariants, R6zall_iter):
R = op.R
for j, Ucj in enumerate(self.Ucomponents):
Ucj2 = numpy.dot(R, numpy.dot(Ucj, R.T))
for i, kl in i6kl:
R6z[i, j] += Ucj2[kl]
Usp6 = nullSpace(R6zall)
# normalize Usp6 by its maximum component
mxcols = numpy.argmax(numpy.fabs(Usp6), axis=1)
mxrows = numpy.arange(len(mxcols))
Usp6 /= Usp6[mxrows, mxcols].reshape(-1, 1)
Usp6 = numpy.around(Usp6, 2)
# normalize again after rounding to get correct signs
mxcols = numpy.argmax(numpy.fabs(Usp6), axis=1)
Usp6 /= Usp6[mxrows, mxcols].reshape(-1, 1)
self.Uspace = numpy.tensordot(Usp6, self.Ucomponents, axes=(1, 0))
self.Uisotropy = len(self.Uspace) == 1
def _findUParameters(self):
"""Find Uparameters and their values for expressing `self.Uij`."""
# permute indices as 00 11 22 01 02 12 10 20 21
diagorder = numpy.array((0, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 3, 6, 7))
Uijflat = self.Uij.flatten()
for Usp in self.Uspace:
Uspflat = Usp.flatten()
Uspnorm2 = numpy.dot(Uspflat, Uspflat)
permidx = next(i for i, x in enumerate(Uspflat[diagorder]) if x == 1)
idx = diagorder[permidx]
vname = self.idx2Usymbol[idx]
varvalue = numpy.dot(Uijflat, Uspflat) / Uspnorm2
self.Uparameters.append((vname, varvalue))
def _findeqUij(self):
"""Adjust `self.Uij` and `self.eqUij` to be consistent with spacegroup."""
self.Uij = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype=float)
for i in range(len(self.Uparameters)):
Usp = self.Uspace[i]
varvalue = self.Uparameters[i][1]
self.Uij += varvalue * Usp
# now determine eqUij
for ops in self.symops:
# take first rotation matrix
R = ops[0].R
Rt = R.transpose()
self.eqUij.append(numpy.dot(R, numpy.dot(self.Uij, Rt)))
def eqIndex(self, pos):
"""Index of the nearest generator equivalent site.
pos : array_like
Fractional coordinates.
Index of the nearest generator equivalent site.
return nearestSiteIndex(self.eqxyz, pos)
# End of class GeneratorSite
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExpandAsymmetricUnit(object):
"""Expand asymmetric unit and anisotropic thermal displacement.
spacegroup : SpaceGroup
Instance of `SpaceGroup`.
corepos : array_like
List of positions in asymmetric unit,
it may contain duplicates.
coreUijs : numpy.ndarray, Optional
Thermal factors for `corepos`.
sgoffset : list, Optional
Offset of space group origin ``[0, 0, 0]``. Default is ``[0, 0, 0]``.
eps : float, Optional
Cutoff for duplicate positions. Default is ``1.0e-5``.
spacegroup : SpaceGroup
Instance of `SpaceGroup`.
corepos : array_like
List of positions in asymmetric unit,
it may contain duplicates.
coreUijs : numpy.ndarray
Thermal factors for `corepos`. Defaults to zeros.
sgoffset : numpy.ndarray
Offset of space group origin ``[0, 0, 0]``. Default to zeros.
eps : float
Cutoff for equivalent positions. Default is ``1.0e-5``.
multiplicity : list
Multiplicity of each site in `corepos`.
Uisotropy : list
Bool flags for isotropic sites in `corepos`.
expandedpos : list
List of equivalent positions per each site in `corepos`.
expandedUijs : list
List of thermal factors per each site in `corepos`.
# By design Atom instances are not accepted as arguments to keep
# number of required imports low.
def __init__(self, spacegroup, corepos, coreUijs=None, sgoffset=[0, 0, 0], eps=None):
if eps is None:
eps = epsilon
# declare data members
self.spacegroup = spacegroup
self.corepos = corepos
self.coreUijs = None
self.sgoffset = numpy.array(sgoffset)
self.eps = eps
self.multiplicity = []
self.Uisotropy = []
self.expandedpos = []
self.expandedUijs = []
# obtain their values
corelen = len(self.corepos)
if coreUijs:
self.coreUijs = coreUijs
self.coreUijs = numpy.zeros((corelen, 3, 3), dtype=float)
for cpos, cUij in zip(self.corepos, self.coreUijs):
gen = GeneratorSite(self.spacegroup, cpos, cUij, self.sgoffset, self.eps)
# End of class ExpandAsymmetricUnit
# Helper function for SymmetryConstraints class. It may be useful
# elsewhere therefore its name does not start with underscore.
class SymmetryConstraints(object):
"""Generate symmetry constraints for specified positions.
spacegroup : SpaceGroup
Instance of `SpaceGroup`.
positions : array_like
List of all positions to be constrained.
Uijs : array_like, Optional
List of U matrices for all constrained positions.
sgoffset : list, Optional
Offset of space group origin ``[0, 0, 0]``. Default is ``[0, 0, 0]``.
eps : float, Optional
Cutoff for duplicate positions. Default is ``1.0e-5``.
spacegroup : SpaceGroup
Instance of `SpaceGroup`.
positions : numpy.ndarray
All positions to be constrained.
Uijs : numpy.ndarray
Thermal factors for all positions. Defaults to zeros.
sgoffset : numpy.ndarray
Optional offset of space group origin ``[0, 0, 0]``.
eps : float
Cutoff for equivalent positions. Default is ``1.0e-5``.
corepos : list
List of of positions in the asymmetric unit.
coremap : dict
Dictionary mapping indices of asymmetric core positions
to indices of all symmetry related positions.
poseqns : list
List of coordinate formula dictionaries per each site.
Formula dictionary keys are from ``("x", "y", "z")`` and
the values are formatted as ``[[-]{x|y|z}%i] [{+|-}%g]``,
for example: ``x0``, ``-x3``, ``z7 +0.5``, ``0.25``.
pospars : list
List of ``(xyz symbol, value)`` pairs.
Ueqns : list
List of anisotropic atomic displacement formula
dictionaries per each position. Formula dictionary
keys are from ``('U11','U22','U33','U12','U13','U23')``
and the values are formatted as ``{[%g*][Uij%i]|0}``,
for example: ``U110``, ``0.5*U2213``, ``0``.
Upars : list
List of ``(U symbol, value)`` pairs.
Uisotropy : list
List of bool flags for isotropic thermal displacements.
def __init__(self, spacegroup, positions, Uijs=None, sgoffset=[0, 0, 0], eps=None):
if eps is None:
eps = epsilon
# fill in data members
self.spacegroup = spacegroup
self.positions = None
self.Uijs = None
self.sgoffset = numpy.array(sgoffset)
self.eps = eps
self.corepos = []
self.coremap = {}
self.poseqns = None
self.pospars = []
self.Ueqns = None
self.Upars = []
self.Uisotropy = None
# handle list of lists returned by ExpandAsymmetricUnit
if len(positions) and isinstance(positions[0], list):
# concatenate lists before converting to Nx3 array
flatpos = sum(positions, [])
flatpos = numpy.array(flatpos, dtype=float).flatten()
self.positions = flatpos.reshape((-1, 3))
# otherwise convert to array
flatpos = numpy.array(positions, dtype=float).flatten()
self.positions = flatpos.reshape((-1, 3))
# here self.positions should be a 2D numpy array
numpos = len(self.positions)
# adjust Uijs if not specified
if Uijs is not None:
self.Uijs = numpy.array(Uijs, dtype=float)
self.Uijs = numpy.zeros((numpos, 3, 3), dtype=float)
self.poseqns = numpos * [None]
self.Ueqns = numpos * [None]
self.Uisotropy = numpos * [False]
# all members should be initialized here
def _findConstraints(self):
"""Find constraints for positions and anisotropic displacements `Uij`."""
numpos = len(self.positions)
# canonical xyzsymbols and Usymbols
xyzsymbols = [smbl + str(i) for i in range(numpos) for smbl in "xyz"]
Usymbols = [smbl + str(i) for i in range(numpos) for smbl in stdUsymbols]
independent = set(range(numpos))
for genidx in range(numpos):
if genidx not in independent:
# it is a generator
self.coremap[genidx] = []
genpos = self.positions[genidx]
genUij = self.Uijs[genidx]
gen = GeneratorSite(self.spacegroup, genpos, genUij, self.sgoffset, self.eps)
# append new pparameters if there are any
gxyzsymbols = xyzsymbols[3 * genidx : 3 * (genidx + 1)]
for k, v in gen.pparameters:
smbl = gxyzsymbols["xyz".index(k)]
self.pospars.append((smbl, v))
gUsymbols = Usymbols[6 * genidx : 6 * (genidx + 1)]
for k, v in gen.Uparameters:
smbl = gUsymbols[stdUsymbols.index(k)]
self.Upars.append((smbl, v))
# search for equivalents inside indies
indies = sorted(independent)
for indidx in indies:
indpos = self.positions[indidx]
formula = gen.positionFormula(indpos, gxyzsymbols)
# formula is empty when indidx is independent
if not formula:
# indidx is dependent here
self.poseqns[indidx] = formula
self.Ueqns[indidx] = gen.UFormula(indpos, gUsymbols)
# make sure positions and Uijs are consistent with spacegroup
eqidx = gen.eqIndex(indpos)
dxyz = gen.eqxyz[eqidx] - indpos
self.positions[indidx] += dxyz - dxyz.round()
self.Uijs[indidx] = gen.eqUij[eqidx]
self.Uisotropy[indidx] = gen.Uisotropy
# all done here
coreidx = sorted(self.coremap.keys())
self.corepos = [self.positions[i] for i in coreidx]
def posparSymbols(self):
"""Return list of standard position parameter symbols."""
return [n for n, v in self.pospars]
def posparValues(self):
"""Return list of position parameters values."""
return [v for n, v in self.pospars]
def UparSymbols(self):
"""Return list of standard atom displacement parameter symbols."""
return [n for n, v in self.Upars]
def UparValues(self):
"""Return list of atom displacement parameters values."""
return [v for n, v in self.Upars]
# End of class SymmetryConstraints
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# basic demonstration
if __name__ == "__main__":
from diffpy.structure.spacegroups import sg100
site = [0.125, 0.625, 0.13]
Uij = [[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 5], [3, 5, 6]]
g = GeneratorSite(sg100, site, Uij=Uij)
fm100 = g.positionFormula(site)
print("g = GeneratorSite(sg100, %r)" % site)
print("g.positionFormula(%r) = %s" % (site, fm100))
print("g.pparameters =", g.pparameters)
print("g.Uparameters =", g.Uparameters)
print("g.UFormula(%r) =" % site, g.UFormula(site))