Source code for diffpy.fourigui.fourigui

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.ttk import Button

import h5py
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2Tk


WIDTH = 920
HEIGHT = 630
XPOS = 300
YPOS = 100

[docs] class Gui(tk.Frame): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI()
[docs] def initUI(self): """Initialize the GUI for fourigui""" self.loaded = False # denotes whether a dataset is loaded self.transformed = False # denotes whether dataset is Fourier transformed self.cutted = False # denotes whether cutoff frequencies are applied to dataset self.transcutted = False # denotes whether cutoff frequencies are applied and Fourier transformed self.master.title("FouriGUI") self.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) print("\nNew Session started ...") print("Enjoy exploring the beautiful reconstructions in real and in reciprocal space!") # 4 frames: # frame 00: all buttons # frame 01: plot area # frame 10: exit button # frame 11: not used # 00 # # frame 00, upper left frame00 = tk.Frame(self), y=0) filelabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="filename: ") filelabel.grid(row=0, column=0) # row 0: load file area self.filename_entry = tk.Entry(frame00) self.filename_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=3) self.filename_entry.insert(0, "/path/data.h5") loadbutton = Button(frame00, text="load", command=lambda: self.load_cube()) loadbutton.grid(row=0, column=4) # row 1: change axis area axislabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="axis: ") axislabel.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=7, sticky=tk.W) self.axis = tk.IntVar() rb0 = tk.Radiobutton( frame00, text="0", variable=self.axis, value=0, command=lambda: self.plot_plane(), ) rb0.grid(row=1, column=1) rb1 = tk.Radiobutton( frame00, text="1", variable=self.axis, value=1, command=lambda: self.plot_plane(), ) rb1.grid(row=1, column=2) rb2 = tk.Radiobutton( frame00, text="2", variable=self.axis, value=2, command=lambda: self.plot_plane(), ) rb2.grid(row=1, column=3) # row 2-4: intensity specs intlabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="intensity:") intlabel.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=1, sticky=tk.W) maxintlabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="max:") maxintlabel.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=1, sticky=tk.E) minintlabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="min:") minintlabel.grid(row=4, column=0, pady=1, sticky=tk.E) sumintlabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="sum:") sumintlabel.grid(row=5, column=0, pady=1, sticky=tk.E) nanratiolabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="nan ratio:") nanratiolabel.grid(row=6, column=0, pady=1, sticky=tk.E) globallabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="global", width=7) globallabel.grid(row=2, column=1) self.globalmax = tk.Label(frame00, text="") self.globalmax.grid(row=3, column=1) self.globalmin = tk.Label(frame00, text="") self.globalmin.grid(row=4, column=1) self.globalsum = tk.Label(frame00, text="") self.globalsum.grid(row=5, column=1) self.globalnanratio = tk.Label(frame00, text="") self.globalnanratio.grid(row=6, column=1) inplanelabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="in plane", width=7) inplanelabel.grid(row=2, column=2) self.localmax = tk.Label(frame00, text="") self.localmax.grid(row=3, column=2) self.localmin = tk.Label(frame00, text="") self.localmin.grid(row=4, column=2) self.localsum = tk.Label(frame00, text="") self.localsum.grid(row=5, column=2) self.localnanratio = tk.Label(frame00, text="") self.localnanratio.grid(row=6, column=2) colorbarlabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="colorbar") colorbarlabel.grid(row=2, column=3) self.colorbarmax = tk.Entry(frame00, width=7) self.colorbarmax.grid(row=3, column=3) self.colorbarmin = tk.Entry(frame00, width=7) self.colorbarmin.grid(row=4, column=3) set_range = Button(frame00, text="set range", command=lambda: self.colorrange_upd()) set_range.grid(row=2, column=4) toglobalmax = Button( frame00, text="global max", command=lambda: self.multiple_funcs( self.colorbarmax.delete(0, len(self.colorbarmax.get())), self.colorbarmax.insert(0, self.globalmax["text"]), ), ) toglobalmax.grid(row=3, column=4) toglobalmin = Button( frame00, text="global min", command=lambda: self.multiple_funcs( self.colorbarmin.delete(0, len(self.colorbarmin.get())), self.colorbarmin.insert(0, self.globalmin["text"]), ), ) toglobalmin.grid(row=4, column=4) # row 7-8: animation - automatic slicing through the planes anilabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="animation speed [ms]") anilabel.grid(row=7, column=3, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.W) self.anientry = tk.Entry(frame00, width=7) self.anientry.grid(row=8, column=3) anibutton = Button(frame00, text="animation", command=lambda: self.animation()) anibutton.grid(row=8, column=4) # row 10-12 Fourier transformation separator = tk.Label( frame00, text=" " ) # __________________________________________________________________") separator.grid(row=9, column=0, columnspan=5) cutofflabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="cutoff frequency") cutofflabel.grid(row=10, column=2, columnspan=2) qminlabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="qmin [px]:") qminlabel.grid(row=11, column=2, sticky=tk.E) qmaxlabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="qmax [px]:") qmaxlabel.grid(row=12, column=2, sticky=tk.E) self.qminentry = tk.Entry(frame00, width=7) self.qminentry.grid(row=11, column=3) self.qmaxentry = tk.Entry(frame00, width=7) self.qmaxentry.grid(row=12, column=3) self.cutoff = tk.IntVar() newcutoffbutton = Button(frame00, text="new cutoff", command=lambda: self.newcutoff()) newcutoffbutton.grid(row=10, column=4) cutoffon = tk.Radiobutton( frame00, text="on", variable=self.cutoff, value=1, command=lambda: self.applycutoff(), ) cutoffon.grid(row=11, column=4, sticky=tk.W) cutoffoff = tk.Radiobutton( frame00, text="off", variable=self.cutoff, value=0, command=lambda: self.redocutuff(), ) cutoffoff.grid(row=12, column=4, sticky=tk.W) spacelabel = tk.Label(frame00, text="Space Selection") spacelabel.grid(row=10, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.W) = tk.IntVar() reciprocal = tk.Radiobutton( frame00, text="reciprocal space",, value=0, command=lambda: self.ifft(), pady=5, ) reciprocal.grid(row=11, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.W) fft = tk.Radiobutton( frame00, text="real space",, value=1, command=lambda: self.fft(), ) fft.grid(row=12, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.W) # 01 # # frame 01, upper right self.frame01 = tk.Frame(self, bg="#cccccc"), y=0) # , height=HEIGHT//2, width=WIDTH//2) self.plane_num = tk.IntVar() self.slider = tk.Scale( self.frame01, variable=self.plane_num, from_=0, to=500, label="slider", orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, length=WIDTH // 2, # resolution=-1, command=lambda x: self.multiple_funcs(self.plot_plane(), self.intensity_upd_local()), ) # command=lambda p: self.plot_plane()) self.slider.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky=tk.N + tk.E + tk.S + tk.W) self.frame01_plotcell = tk.Frame(self.frame01) self.frame01_plotcell.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky=tk.N + tk.E + tk.S + tk.W) self.frame01_toolbar = tk.Frame(self.frame01) self.frame01_toolbar.grid(row=2, column=0) # 10 # # frame 10, lower left frame10 = tk.Frame(self), y=HEIGHT - 30) # , height=HEIGHT//2, width=WIDTH//2) quit = Button( frame10, text="exit", command=lambda: self.multiple_funcs(print("Session ended...\n", self.quit())), ) quit.pack(side=tk.TOP) # 11 # # frame 00, lower right # no functionality frame11 = tk.Frame(self) // 2, y=HEIGHT // 2) # , height=HEIGHT//2, width=WIDTH//2)
[docs] def load_cube(self): """ loads 3D array in h5py file format from the filename input panel 3D array is expected to be a reconstructed reciprocal scattering volume when executed, one slide perpendicular to the selected axis will be plotted in the plot panel """ filename = self.filename_entry.get() f = h5py.File(filename, "r") try: if "data" in f.keys(): self.cube = np.array(f["data"]) elif "rebinned_data" in f.keys(): self.cube = np.array(f["rebinned_data"]) except Exception: raise KeyError( "- No data found in " + filename + " :( ..." + "\nchange to alternative keys: " + str(list(f.keys())) ) print("- file loaded: {}".format(filename)) self.slider.destroy() self.slider = tk.Scale( self.frame01, variable=self.plane_num, from_=0, to=len(self.cube) - 1, label="slider", orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, length=WIDTH // 2, # resolution=-1, command=lambda x: self.multiple_funcs(self.plot_plane(), self.intensity_upd_local()), ) self.slider.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky=tk.N + tk.E + tk.S + tk.W) if not self.loaded: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4.95, 4.95)) fig = plt.gcf() DPI = fig.get_dpi() fig.set_size_inches(500 / float(DPI), 500 / float(DPI)) self.plane_num.set(np.shape(self.cube)[0] // 2) if self.axis.get() == 0: = plt.imshow(self.cube[self.plane_num.get(), :, :]) elif self.axis.get() == 1: = plt.imshow(self.cube[:, self.plane_num.get(), :]) elif self.axis.get() == 2: = plt.imshow(self.cube[:, :, self.plane_num.get()]) else: raise ValueError("axis must be 0,1,2") plt.colorbar(shrink=0.81) ax.set_xlabel("pixel") ax.set_ylabel("pixel") self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=self.frame01_plotcell) self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Tk(self.canvas, self.frame01_toolbar) self.toolbar.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # self.toolbar.children['!button6'].pack_forget() # self.toolbar.children['!button7'].pack_forget() self.toolbar.update() self.canvas.draw() self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) self.loaded = True else: self.plot_plane() self.transformed = False self.transcutted = False self.cutted = False self.cutoff.set(0) self.intensity_upd_global()
[docs] def plot_plane(self): """update plotted plane perpendicular to the selected axis""" if self.axis.get() == 0:[self.plane_num.get(), :, :]) elif self.axis.get() == 1:[:, self.plane_num.get(), :]) elif self.axis.get() == 2:[:, :, self.plane_num.get()]) else: raise ValueError("axis must be 0,1,2") self.canvas.draw()
[docs] def colorrange_upd(self): """change color range in plot""" try: if self.colorbarmin.get() and self.colorbarmax.get(): vmin = float(self.colorbarmin.get()) vmax = float(self.colorbarmax.get()) elif self.colorbarmin.get(): vmin = float(self.colorbarmin.get()) vmax = self.globalmax["text"] elif self.colorbarmax.get(): vmin = self.globalmin["text"] vmax = float(self.colorbarmax.get()) else: vmin = self.globalmin["text"] vmax = self.globalmax["text"] except ValueError: print("Oops... colorbar range must be a number or empty string."), vmax) self.plot_plane()
[docs] def intensity_upd_local(self): """show local intensity minimum, maximum and sum of current plotted plane""" if self.axis.get() == 0: plane = self.cube[self.plane_num.get(), :, :] elif self.axis.get() == 1: plane = self.cube[:, self.plane_num.get(), :] elif self.axis.get() == 2: plane = self.cube[:, :, self.plane_num.get()] nan_ratio = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(plane)) / plane.size self.localmax["text"] = f"{np.format_float_scientific(np.nanmax(plane), 1)}" self.localmin["text"] = f"{np.format_float_scientific(np.nanmin(plane), 1)}" self.localsum["text"] = f"{np.format_float_scientific(np.nansum(plane), 1)}" self.localnanratio["text"] = f"{round(nan_ratio, 2)}"
[docs] def intensity_upd_global(self): """Load global intensity minimum, maximum and sum of 3D array""" self.intensity_upd_local() nan_ratio = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(self.cube)) / self.cube.size self.globalmax["text"] = f"{np.format_float_scientific(np.nanmax(self.cube), 1)}" self.globalmin["text"] = f"{np.format_float_scientific(np.nanmin(self.cube), 1)}" self.globalsum["text"] = f"{np.format_float_scientific(np.nansum(self.cube), 1)}" self.globalnanratio["text"] = "{}".format(round(nan_ratio, 2))
[docs] def fft(self): """ Fourier transform 3D array from reciprocal to real space the origin of reciprocal and real space is expected to be the central voxel """ def perform_fft(fftholder): fftholder = np.nan_to_num(fftholder) size = list(fftholder.shape) axes = list(range(fftholder.ndim)) fftholder = np.fft.ifftshift(fftholder) fftholder = np.fft.fftn(fftholder, s=size, axes=axes, norm="ortho") fftholder = np.fft.fftshift(fftholder) fftholder = fftholder.real return fftholder if not self.transformed and not self.transcutted: # no fft at all yet if not self.cutoff.get(): self.cube_reci = self.cube self.cube = perform_fft(self.cube) self.cube_real = self.cube self.transformed = True else: self.cube_recicut = self.cube self.cube = perform_fft(self.cube) self.cube_realcut = self.cube self.transcutted = True elif not self.transformed and self.transcutted: if not self.cutoff.get(): self.cube = perform_fft(self.cube_reci) self.cube_real = self.cube self.transformed = True else: self.cube = self.cube_realcut elif self.transformed and not self.transcutted: if not self.cutoff.get(): self.cube_reci = self.cube self.cube = self.cube_real else: self.cube = perform_fft(self.cube_recicut) # self.cube = self.cube_realcut self.transcutted = True else: if not self.cutoff.get(): self.cube = self.cube_real else: self.cube = self.cube_realcut print("- Switching to real space") self.plot_plane() self.intensity_upd_global()
[docs] def ifft(self): """ Inverse Fourier transform 3D array from real to reciprocal space the origin of real and reciprocal space is expected to be the central voxel """ if not self.cutoff.get(): self.cube_real = self.cube self.cube = self.cube_reci else: self.cube_realcut = self.cube self.cube = self.cube_recicut print("- Switching to reciprocal space") self.plot_plane() self.intensity_upd_global()
[docs] def applycutoff(self): """ shape the reciprocal-space array reassign all voxels with distance smaller than qmin and greater than qmax to np.nan. parameters: ----------- qmin, qmax is loaded from the qmin, qmax input panel currently operates in units of pixels Returns: -------- nothing """ if not self.cutted: xdim, ydim, zdim = self.cube.shape sphere = np.ones((xdim, ydim, zdim)) qmin = float(self.qminentry.get()) qmax = float(self.qmaxentry.get()) # convert qmin to pixels # convert qmax to pixels r2_inner = qmin**2 r2_outer = qmax**2 i, j, k = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xdim), np.arange(ydim), np.arange(zdim)) r2 = (i - xdim // 2) ** 2 + (j - ydim // 2) ** 2 + (k - zdim // 2) ** 2 mask = (r2 < r2_inner) | (r2 > r2_outer) # True if voxel is out of range sphere[mask] = np.nan # therefore set to np.nan if out of range if self.cube_real = self.cube self.cube = self.cube_reci * sphere self.cube_recicut = self.cube self.fft() else: self.cube_reci = self.cube self.cube = self.cube * sphere self.cube_recicut = self.cube self.plot_plane() self.intensity_upd_global() self.cutted = True else: if # in real space self.cube = self.cube_realcut else: self.cube = self.cube_recicut self.plot_plane() self.intensity_upd_global()
[docs] def redocutuff(self): """ Redo the cutoff operation depending on the current space (real or reciprocal). """ if # in real space self.cube_realcut = self.cube if not self.transformed: self.fft() self.cube = self.cube_real else: self.cube_recicut = self.cube self.cube = self.cube_reci self.plot_plane() self.intensity_upd_global()
[docs] def newcutoff(self): """ Apply a new cutoff based on the current space and cutoff settings. """ if self.cutoff.get(): if and self.transformed: self.cube = self.cube_real else: self.cube = self.cube_reci self.cutted = False self.transcutted = False self.applycutoff()
[docs] def plot_next_plane(self): """ Plot the next plane in the dataset, looping back to the first if at the end. """ n = self.plane_num.get() if n == len(self.cube[self.axis.get()]) - 1: n = 0 else: n += 1 self.plane_num.set(n) self.plot_plane()
[docs] def animation(self): """ slices through the 3D array along the selected axis """ try: if not self.anientry.get(): anispeed = 1 else: anispeed = self.anientry.get() except ValueError: print("Oops... animation speed must be an integer > 0 or empty string.") n = self.plane_num.get() - 1 while n is not self.plane_num.get(): self.slider.after(anispeed, self.plot_next_plane()) self.plot_next_plane()
[docs] def multiple_funcs(*funcs): """ Executes multiple functions passed as arguments in sequence. """ for func in funcs: func
[docs] def main(): root = tk.Tk() root.geometry("{}x{}+{}+{}".format(WIDTH, HEIGHT, XPOS, YPOS)) Gui() root.mainloop()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()